HANCOCK Chart 0201

This is a Chart for Walter Hancock and Dorothy Mabel Goodwin

11th April 1925
St Botolph
Edward Aubra HANCOCK
Florence SANDERS
June quarter
Strood district

13th December 1900
(3 months on the 1901 Census)
Northfleet, Kent
March quarter 1901
Strood district
3rd March 1901
St Botolph
Northfleet, Kent
1911 School
1921 Dock Labourer Scuttons Ltd Tilbury Dock Employers Transport Workers, Tilbury Dock
1924 Lighterman (at marriage)
1939  Dock Labourer
June quarter 1981
Maidstone district
Aged 80


10th December 1900
(3 months on the 1901 Census)
March quarter 1901 
Gravesend district
1911 School
1921 Mental Nurse
1939 Unpaid Domestic Duties
December 2003
Aged 103

born about
March quarter
Woolwich district
(mother maiden name down as Godwin)

1948 and 1950
registration not found)
29th June 1917
September quarter
Woolwich district
1939 Labourer (Cable)
March quarter
Greenwich district
Aged 35

March quarter
Dartford district
born about
June quarter
Woolwich district
28th March 2017
last residence
Royal Tunbridge Wells

September quarter
Maisdstone district
born about
March quarter
Blean district
10th August 2019
last residence
born about
June quarter
Dartford district

September quarter
Woolwich district

4th November 1933
December quarter
Dartford district
1939 At School

June quarter
Bedford district
born about
died about
15 December 2015
last residence

Hitchin and Stevenage district
born about
September quarter
Northampton district,
born about
December quarter
Dartford district

December quarter
Dartford district
December quarter
Hartlepool district
born about
July quarter
Dartford district

June quarter
Bexley district
Greater London
born about
  1. 1901 1 Hartfield Place, Northfleet, Kent. (baptism of Walter)
    1901 1 Hartfield Place, Northfleet, Kent. Ann T HANCOCK down as Head (wife crossed through) aged 29 born Northfleet, Kent, Eliza HANCOCK Step daughter aged 16 born Northfleet, Kent, Nellie HANCOCK aged 7 born Northfleet, Kent, Beatrice HANCOCK aged 6 born Northfleet, Kent, George HANCOCK aged 4 born Northfleet, Kent, John D HANCOCK born 3 born Northfleet, Kent, William HANCOCK aged 1 born Northfleet, Kent, Walter HANCOCK aged 3 months born Northfleet, Kent
    1911 44a Springhead Road, Northfleet, Kent. Edward Aubra HANCOCK aged 48 Waterman Lighterman (Barge Captain) Cement Works born Northfleet, Kent, Anny Taylor HANCOCK aged 39 down as having been married 20 years and having had 7 children all of whom survive at the date of t his Census, she was born in Northfleet, Kent, Beatrice HANCOCK aged 16 born Northfleet, Kent, George Aubra HANCOCK aged 14 Apprenticed Waterman born Northfleet, Kent, John Davies HANCOCK aged 13 Errand Boy school born Northfleet, Kent, William Henry HANCOCK aged 11 School born Northfleet, Kent, Walter HANCOCK aged 10 School born Northfleet, Kent.
    1921 44a Springhead Road, Northfleet, Kent. Edward Aubra HANCOCK aged 59 years and 1 month born Northfleet, Kent. Quay Lighterman (Humphrey & Gray, Lighterage Company, Tilbury Dock, Ann Taylor HANCOCK aged 49 years and 10 months born Northfleet, Kent, Home Duties, Beatrice HANCOCK aged 26 years and 4 months born Northfleet, Kent, Home Duties, George Aubra HANCOCK aged 25 years and 1 month born Northfleet, Kent Waterman Lighterman, A P C M Lighterage Dept. APCM Lighterage Dept. Greenwich, John Davies HANCOCK aged 23 years and 8 months born Northfleet, Kent, Electric Tramways Operator, Gravesend and Northfleet, Tramway Co. Depot Northfleet, William Henry HANCOCK aged 22 years and 1 month born Northfleet, Kent, Quay Lighterman Humphrey& Gray Lighterage Company Tilbury Dock, Walter HANCOCK aged 20 years and 6 months born Northfleet, Kent, Dock Labourer Scuttons Ltd Tilbury Dock Employers Transport Workers, Tilbury Dock.
    1924 44A Springhead Road, Northfleet, Kent (address at marriage)
    1939 1 Ruskin Villas, Bexley, Kent. Walter HANCOCK born 13th December 1900 Dock Labourer, Dorothy M HANCOCK born 10th December 1900 Unpaid Domestic Duties, then three records officially closed, Stanley A HANCOCK born 4th November 1933 At School
    1948 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Mabel J HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1950 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1951 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1952 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1953 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1954 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1955 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1956 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1957 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1958 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1959 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1960 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1961 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1962 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1963 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1965 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
  2. 1901 4 Peppercroft Street, Milton, Gravesend, Kent. Edward GOODWIN aged 32 Cabman (Groom) born Gravesend, Kent, Anne GOODWIN aged 33 born Dartford, Kent, Sarah GOODWIN aged 13 born Gravesend, Kent, May GOODWIN aged 11 born Gravesend, Kent, Ted GOODWIN aged 8 born Gravesend, Kent, George GOODWIN aged 7 born Gravesend, Kent, Florence GOODWIN aged 1 born Gravesend, Kent, Dorothy GOODWIN aged 3 months born Gravesend, Kent, William MACK Boarder aged 32 General Labourer born Gravesend, Kent
    1911 27 Peppercroft Street, Milton, Gravesend, Kent. Edward Robert GOODWIN aged 43 Carman (General Carters born Gravesend, Kent, Annie GOODWIN aged 44 down as having been married 20 years and having had 7 children 6 survive and 1 had died at the date of this Census. She was born in Dartford, Kent, Edward Robert GOODWIN aged 19 Shop Boy (Furniture Stores) born Gravesend, George Staneley (sic) GOODWIN aged 17 Shop Boy (Boot) born Gravesend, Kent, Florence Jane GOODWIN aged 12 School born Gravesend, Kent, Dorothy Mable (sic) GOODWIN aged 10 School born Gravesend, Kent.
    1921 Croydon Mental Hospital Upper Warlingham Surrey, Dorothy Mabel GOODWIN aged 20 years and 6 months born Gravesned, Kent 0 Mental Nurse (too many people to enter everyone)
    1924 44A Springhead Road, Northfleet, Kent (address at marriage) Father Edward GOODWIN - Beaterman
    1939 1 Ruskin Villas, Bexley, Kent. Walter HANCOCK born 13th December 1900 Dock Labourer, Dorothy M HANCOCK born 10th December 1900 Unpaid Domestic Duties, then three records officially closed, Stanley A HANCOCK born 4th November 1933 At School
    1948 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Mabel J HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1950 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1951 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1952 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1953 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1954 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1955 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1956 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1957 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1958 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1959 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1960 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1961 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1962 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1963 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1965 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
  3. Mabel HANCOCK appears on the 1948 Electoral Roll for Bexley, again she did not come up on BMD or Ancestry as a child of  this couple but have found her born in Woolwich district with mothers surname down as GODWIN not GOODWIN so will try again for Walter E, Note 4
    1921 Census - Not found
    1948 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Mabel J HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1950 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Joan M COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1952 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Norman R COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1953 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1954 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    2008-2010 Flat 11, Dickens Court, Harold Road,, Margate, Kent, Mrs Mabel J BISHOP born 1924-1926, UK Electoral Roll - 2008-2010
    2012-2016 Flat 11, Dickens Court, Harold Road,, Margate, Kent, Mrs Mabel J BISHOP born 1924-1926, UK Electoral Roll - 2012-216
    Information for Peter Harry COUTURE
    1939 148 Eastcombe Avenue, Greenwich, London, Peter H COUTURE born 29th June 1917 Labourer (Cable), Annie E COURTURE born 30th April 1917 Machinist Cable Hand
    1947 117 Royal Hill, Greenwich, London, Peter H COURTURE, Patrick MANSELL (London Electoral Register)
    1948 117 Royal Hill, Greenwich, London, Peter H COURTURE, Annie Elizabeth COURTURE, Patrick MANSELL (London Electoral Register)
    1950 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Joan M COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1952 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Norman R COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1953 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    1954 19 Warspite Road, Woolwich, London, Harry P COUTURE, Rosina COUTURE, Peter H CORTURE, Mabel J COUTURE (London Electoral Roll)
    Peter COURTURE's first marriage was in June quarter 1939 Greenwich district, London to a Ann Elizabeth COLLINS she died as Ms Annie COUTRUE on 21st January 2003
    There was a child for this couple:
    Peter S COUTURE born March quarter 1952 Woolwich district, London.
    Information for Peter's first wife Ann Elizabeth COLLINS
    1939 148 Eastcombe Avenue, Greenwich, London, Peter H COUTURE born 29th June 1917 Labourer (Cable), Annie E COURTURE born 30th April 1917 Machinist Cable Hand
    1945 117 Royal Hill, Greenwich, Annie Elizabeth COURTURE (London Electoral Register)
    1947 115 Royal Hill, Greenwich, London, Gladys I ALLEN, Charles J ALLEN, Annie SQUIRRELL, Ellen M SQUIRRELL, Annie Elizabeth COUTURE
    1948 117 Royal Hill, Greenwich, London, Peter H COURTURE, Annie Elizabeth COURTURE, Patrick MANSELL (London Electoral Register)
  4. I believe there was a Walter Edward HANCOCK born to this family in 1928 but cannot find a registration of birth, as can be seen he appears on lot of Bexley Electoral Registers with other members of the family. Found marriage and death but no birth. Have now found birth in Woolwich district, London, mothers name correct as GOODWIN.
    1948 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Mabel J HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1950 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1951 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1952 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1953 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1954 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1955 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1956 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1957 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1958 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1959 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1960 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1961 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1962 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1963 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1965 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    2004-2008 2, Le Temple Road, Paddock Wood, TN12 6HY (UK Electoral Roll)
    Information for Margaret Grace HOLLIS
    Her first marriage was in September quarter 1951 Bridge district, Kent, to a Raymond E PEARSON, His full name was Rymond Ernet PEARSON hie was born in September quarter
    1925 in Canterbury district, Kent and on the 1939 Census his birth date is gvien as 14th July 1925 and he was an Estate Agent's Clerk, They appear ot have had one child a Meryl A PEARSON born September quarter
    1957 Canterbury district, Kent
  5. 1954 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS, Muriel Lillian HOBBS, Nellie HOBBS (London Electoral Register)
    1955 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS, Nellie HOBBS, Peter ROBINS, Muriel L ROBINS (London Electoral Register)
    1960 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS (London Electoral Register)
    2002 Goodwin Court, Palm Bay Avenue, Margate, Kent. Florence A HAWKINS
    2011 to 2024 lived at 84 School Lane, Herne Bay. Also here (some of the time?) Nicola & Peter DARLING (daughter & son-in-law) (Nicola was daughter of Florence, Peter was Nicola's husband)
    Information for Roland HAWKINS
    1954 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS, Muriel Lillian HOBBS, Nellie HOBBS (London Electoral Register)
    1955 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS, Nellie HOBBS, Peter ROBINS, Muriel L ROBINS (London Electoral Register)
    1960 37 Ashburton Place, Greenwich, London, Roland HAWKINS, Florence A HAWKINS (London Electoral Register)
    Information for Nicoala DARLING née HAWKINS and Peter DARLING
    Newspaper Report
    22nd November 1991
    Chatham News
    Mr. Peter Darling of Ryde Close Chatham, and Miss Nicola HAWKINS, from Greenhill, Herne Bay, was married at Herne Bay Methodist Church.
  6. 1939 1 Ruskin Villas, Bexley, Kent. Walter HANCOCK born 13th December 1900 Dock Labourer, Dorothy M HANCOCK born 10th December 1900 Unpaid Domestic Duties, then three records officially closed, Stanley A HANCOCK born 4th November 1933 At School
    1956 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1957 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1958 78 Long Lane, Bexley, Kent Walter HANCOCK, Dorothy M HANCOCK, Walter E HANCOCK, Stanley A  HANCOCK (Bexley Electoral Register)
    1964 7 Clifton Road, Henlow, Bedford, Bedfordshire (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1965 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1965 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1966 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1967 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1968 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1969 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1970 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1971 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1973 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1974 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1975 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1976 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1977 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1978 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1979 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1982 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, David J HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Nicholas HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1983 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, David J HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Nicholas A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1984 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, David J HANCOCK, Nicholas A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1985 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Stanley A HANCOCK, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1986 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Stanley A HANCOCK, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    Four children for this couple
    Beverley L HANCOCK born December quarter 1960 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    David J HANCOCK born June quarter, Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Nicholas Alan HANCOCK born September quarter 1963 Biggleswade district, Bedfordshire
    Simon James HANCOCK born June quarter 1967 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Information for Margaret A ADAMS
    1942 Margaret Angela ADAMS was possibly born September quarter 1942 Norwich Outer district, Norwich, Norfolk (Ancestry Family Tree)
    1964 7 Clifton Road, Henlow, Bedford, Bedfordshire (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1965 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1966 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1967 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1968 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1969 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1970 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1971 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1973 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1974 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1975 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1976 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1977 11 Carnell Close, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1978 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1979 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1982 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Beverley L HANCOCK, David J HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Nicholas HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1983 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, David J HANCOCK, Margaret A HANCOCK, Nicholas A HANCOCK, Stanley A HANCOCK (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1983 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1984 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1985 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1986 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    Four children for this couple
    Beverley L HANCOCK born December quarter 1960 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    David J HANCOCK born June quarter, Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Nicholas Alan HANCOCK born September quarter 1963 Biggleswade district, Bedfordshire
    Simon James HANCOCK born June quarter 1967 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Information for Sonia K GREEN
    1942 Sonia K GREEN was born in September quarter 1942 Northampton district, Northamptonshire
    1964 Sonia's previous marriage was in March quarter 1964 Northampton district, Northamptonshire to a Michael D BRADY
    1975 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1978 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1979 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1980 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1985 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Stanley A HANCOCK, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1986 116 Chantry Avenue, Kempston, Bedfordshire, Stanley A HANCOCK, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    Possibly two child for this couple
    Mark Anthony BRADY born December quarter 1980 Northampton district Northamptonshire
    Paul Matthew BRADY born February 1984 Northampton district, Northamptonshire
    Information for Michael Desmond BRADY
    1975 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1978 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1979 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    1980 3 North Drive, Shortstown, Northamptonshire, Michael D BRADY, Sonia K BRADY (Bedfordshire Electoral Register)
    2014 Michael Desomond BRADY died  25th November 2014 Hitchin district Hertfordshire aged 71 he was born 27th February 1943
    Possibly two child for this couple
    Mark Anthony BRADY born December quarter 1980 Northampton district Northamptonshire
    Paul Matthew BRADY born February 1984 Northampton district, Northamptonshire
    Information for Raymond G FINDING
    Raymond G FINDING was born June quarter 1943 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    1967 60 The Baulk, Peppercorn Park Caravan Site, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1968 9 The Baulk, Peppercorn Park Caravan Site, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1969 39 Church Lane, BedfordBedfordshire, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1973 51 Church Lane,Bedford , Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING, Lilian LAMBERT, Roslyn LAMBERT (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1974 51  Church Lane,Bedford , Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING, Lilian LAMBERT, Roslyn LAMBERT (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1975 56 Lilac Walk, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1976 56 Lilac Walk, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1978 18 The Maples, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1980 18 The Maples, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1983 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1984 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1985 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    1986 31 High Street, Folly Park, Clapham, Bedfordshire, Margaret A FINDING and Raymond G FINDING
    Raymond married Margaret A HANCOCK née ADAMS, September quarter 1983 Bedford district, Bedfordshire, He was born June quarter 1943 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Raymond had been married before, March quarter 1966 Bedfordshire district, Bedfordshire to a Beverley A VAUGHAN
    There were three children for the marriage of Raymond G FINDING and Beverley A VAUGHAN
    Neil George FINDING born September quarter 1966 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Samantha Ann FINDING born September quarter 1968 Bedford district, Bedfordshire. 
    Shaun Charles FINDING born September quarter 1970 Bedford district, Bedfordshire.
    Information for Beverley A VAUGHAN
    Beverley A VAUGHAN was born September quarter 1948 Bedford district, Bedfordshire.
    1973 51 Church Lane,Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING, Lilian LAMBERT, Roslyn LAMBERT (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1974 51 Church Lane,Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING, Lilian LAMBERT, Roslyn LAMBERT (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1975 56 Lilac Walk, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1976 56 Lilac Walk, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1978 18 The Maples, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1980 18 The Maples, Bedford, Bedfordshire, Beverley A FINDING, Raymond G FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1983 5 Kingston Court, Bedford, Badfordshire, Beverley A FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1984 5 Kingston Court, Bedford, Badfordshire, Beverley A FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1985 5 Kingston Court, Bedford, Badfordshire, Beverley A FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    1986 5 Kingston Court, Bedford, Badfordshire, Sean CLARKE, Beverley A FINDING (Bedfordshire Electoral Roll)
    Beverley A VAUGHAN was born September quarter 1948 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    There were three children for the marriage of Raymond G FINDING and Beverley A VAUGHAN
    Neil George FINDING born September quarter 1966 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    Samantha Ann FINDING born September quarter 1968 Bedford district, Bedfordshire. 
    Shaun Charles FINDING born September quarter 1970 Bedford district, Bedfordshire.
    Beverley FINDING married again in May 1996 to an Ian P BATCHELOR
    Information for Ian P BATCHELOR
    Ian had been married before to a Pauline J BONESS in December quarter 1975 Bedford district, Bedfordshire.
    Ian P Batchelor was born June quarter 1955 Bedford district, Bedfordshire.
    1977 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1978 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1979 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1980 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1981 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1982 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1983 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1984 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1985 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1986 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    Information for Pauline J BONESS
    Pauline J BONESS was born in December quarter 1957 Bedford district, Bedfordshire
    1977 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1978 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1979 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1980 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1981 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1982 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1983 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1984 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1985 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
    1986 87 Mile Road, Bedford, Bedfordshire Ian P BATCHELOR, Pauline J BACHELOR and Walter G BONESS (Bedford Electoral Roll)
  7. 1961 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
    1962 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
    1963 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
    Information for Keith N ELDER
    1961 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
    1962 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
    1963 37 Ashburnham Place, Greenwich, London, Evelyn B ELDER, Keith N ELDER (London Electoral Roll)
  8. 2002 - 2024 30 Wentworth Drive, Rochester, Kent (UK Electoral Register)
    Information for John M HARRIS
    2002 - 2024 30 Wentworth Drive, Rochester, Kent (UK Electoral Register)

The idea of these charts is to give the information that we have found in the research we have done and put together and with the help of many other people who have contacted us over the past thirty odd years we have been researching our family. The idea is that you click on the Chart box in blue to be taken to the next family. There is now a large number of charts to be found and connections can be made to all the main families I am researching. If a chart has a box with the standard background it means that as yet I have not put the Chart on the Web.
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