HODGSON Chart 0204 |
married December quarter 1938 Thanet district, Kent |
1 THOMAS CHARLES HODGSON born 7th December 1911 registered March quarter quarter 1912 Thanet District, Kent occupation 1939 Dental Mechanic died 14th December 1987 Thanet district Kent Aged 76 administration 16th February 1988 Brighton will not exceeding £70000 |
2 KATHLEEN SOPHIE TERRY born 22nd August 1914 Thanet district, Kent occupation 1939 Shop Assistant (Gowns and Millinery) died February 1991 Luton district Bedfordshire Aged 76 |
3 Kathleen V HODGSON born about September quarter 1943 Thanet district Kent married June quarter 1963 Thanet district Kent Derek W G SOPER born about 1938 (registration not found) |
4 Steven T HODGSON born about December quarter 1947 Thanet district Kent possibly married September quarter 1976 Chichester district Sussex Margaret A BARHAM born about March quarter 1951 Midhurst district Sussex |
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