SIMMONS Chart 0413

This is a Chart for William Simmons and Jane Summers


2nd July 1893
St Mary Magdalene
Massinger Street,



born about
1893 Boilermaker (baptism of sone James)
1901 Boilermakers Labourer
died between
1901 and 1911

6th Sepbember 1860
1871 Scholar
1881 Ironer
1911 Collar Ironer
1921 Collar Ironer
1939 Unpad Domestic Duties

born about
17th April 1895
 St Mary Magdalene
died before
born about
  Bermondsey, London, 
1911 Labourer (builders
2nd June 1899
  Bermondsey, London

September quarter
St Olave district

born about
(8 months on the 1901 Census)
  Bermondsey, London, 
1911 School
  1. 1893 Bermondsey (just Bermondsey) given at marriage) Father William SIMMONS(deceased)
    1893 44 Larmash? St, Bermondsey, London (baptism of son James)
    1901 97 Gunners Buildings, Bermondsey, London. William SIMMONS aged 42 Boiler Makers Labourer born bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 40 born Bermondsey, London, William SIMMONS aged 7 born Bermondsey, London, Ellen SIMMONS aged 2 born Bermondsey, London, John SIMMONS aged 8 months born Bermondsey, London Mary SIMMONS aged 12 Niece born Bermondsey, London.
  2. 1861 36 Albert Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, Samuel SUMMERS aged 58 Warehouseman Labourer born Somerset, Maria SUMMERS aged 40. Charlotte SUMMERS aged 14 Machine Worker born Bermondsey, Surrey, Emma SUMMERS aged 12 Machine Worker born Bermonday, Surrey, Samuel SUMMERS aged 8 Scholar born Bermonday Surrey, James SUMMERS aged 2 born Bermondsey, Surrey.
    1871 35 Albert Street, Bermondsey, Surrey, Samuel SUMMERS aged 68 Warehouseman born Coombs, Somerset, Mary SUMMERS aged 51 born Stratford, Essex, Samuel SUMMERS aged 18 TANNER born Bermondsey, Surrey, Jane SUMMERS aged 10 Scholar born Bermondsey, Surrey.
    1881 35 Albert Street, Bermondsey, Southwark, London. Samuel SUMMERS aged 70 Carpeter, born Combe, Somerset, Maria SUMMERS aged 61 Mangley Woman born Stratford, Essex,, Emma SUMMERS aged 32 Staymaker born Bermondsey,, Surrey, Jane SUMMERS aged 20 Ironer born Bermondsey, Surrey
    1893 Bermondsey (just Bermondsey) given at marriage) Father Samuel SUMMERS (deceased)
    1893 44 Larmash? St, Bermondsey, London (baptism of son James)
    1901 97 Gunners Buildings, Bermondsey, London. William SIMMONS aged 42 Boiler Makers Labourer born bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 40 born Bermondsey, London, William SIMMONS aged 7 born Bermondsey, London, Ellen SIMMONS aged 2 born Bermondsey, London, John SIMMONS aged 8 months born Bermondsey, London Mary SIMMONS aged 12 Niece born Bermondsey, London.
    1911 84 Park Buildings, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 50 a Widow down as having had 8 children 3 survive and 5 had died at the date of this Census, she was a Collar Ironer born Bermondsey, William SIMMONS aged 17 Labourer (Builders) born Bermondsey, Ellen SIMMONS aged 11 School born Bermondsey, John SIMMONS aged 10 School born Bermondsey.
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsy, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 60 9 months widow born Bermondsey, London Collar Ironer (Welsh Margetron) Ellen SIMMONS ages 22 born Bermondsey, London. Patent Turned (Compar, John SIMMONS, aged 20 `` nirbagborn Bermondsey, London , Charles SUMMERS nephew aged 36 7months, born Bermondsey, London
    1939 135 Chaldon Road, Catererham and Warlingham, Surrey.. Ellen JOHNSTON born 2nd June 1899 married Paid Domestic Work, Then one record officially closed, Mary Ellen JOHNSTON (later LEMALLE) born 5th September 1931 At School, Christina G JOHNSTON (later BARTLETT) born 30th October 1933 At School, Jane SIMMONS born 6th September 1860 Widow Unpaid Domestic Duties
  3. 1893 44 Larmash? St, Bermondsey, London (baptism of James)
  4. 1901 97 Gunners Buildings, Bermondsey, London. William SIMMONS aged 42 Boiler Makers Labourer born bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 40 born Bermondsey, London, William SIMMONS aged 7 born Bermondsey, London, Ellen SIMMONS aged 2 born Bermondsey, London, John SIMMONS aged 8 months born Bermondsey, London Mary SIMMONS aged 12 Niece born Bermondsey, London.
    1911 84 Park Buildings, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 50 a Widow down as having had 8 children 3 survive and 5 had died at the date of this Census, she was a Collar Ironer born Bermondsey, William SIMMONS aged 17 Labourer (Builders) born Bermondsey, Ellen SIMMONS aged 11 School born Bermondsey, John SIMMONS aged 10 School born Bermondsey.
  5. 1901 97 Gunners Buildings, Bermondsey, London. William SIMMONS aged 42 Boiler Makers Labourer born bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 40 born Bermondsey, London, William SIMMONS aged 7 born Bermondsey, London, Ellen SIMMONS aged 2 born Bermondsey, London, John SIMMONS aged 8 months born Bermondsey, London Mary SIMMONS aged 12 Niece born Bermondsey, London.
    1911 84 Park Buildings, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 50 a Widow down as having had 8 children 3 survive and 5 had died at the date of this Census, she was a Collar Ironer born Bermondsey, William SIMMONS aged 17 Labourer (Builders) born Bermondsey, Ellen SIMMONS aged 11 School born Bermondsey, John SIMMONS aged 10 School born Bermondsey.
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsy, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 60 9 months widow born Bermondsey, London Collar Ironer (Welsh Margetron) Ellen SIMMONS ages 22 born Bermondsey, London. Patent Turned (Compar, John SIMMONS, aged 20 `` nirbagborn Bermondsey, London , Charles SUMMERS nephew aged 36 7months, born Bermondsey, London
    1939 135 Chaldon Road, Catererham and Warlingham, Surrey.. Ellen JOHNSTON born 2th June 1899 married Paid Domestic Work, Then one record officially closed, Mary Ellen JOHNSTON (later LEMALLE) born 5th September 1931 At School, Christina G JOHNSTON (later BARTLETT) born 30th October 1933 At School, Jane SIMMONS born 6th September 1860 Widow Unpaid Domestic Duties
  6. 1901 97 Gunners Buildings, Bermondsey, London. William SIMMONS aged 42 Boiler Makers Labourer born bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 40 born Bermondsey, London, William SIMMONS aged 7 born Bermondsey, London, Ellen SIMMONS aged 2 born Bermondsey, London, John SIMMONS aged 8 months born Bermondsey, London Mary SIMMONS aged 12 Niece born Bermondsey, London.
    1911 84 Park Buildings, Rotherhithe, Bermondsey, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 50 a Widow down as having had 8 children 3 survive and 5 had died at the date of this Census, she was a Collar Ironer born Bermondsey, William SIMMONS aged 17 Labourer (Builders) born Bermondsey, Ellen SIMMONS aged 11 School born Bermondsey, John SIMMONS aged 10 School born Bermondsey.
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsy, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 60 9 months widow born Bermondsey, London Collar Ironer (Welsh Margetron) Ellen SIMMONS ages 22 born Bermondsey, London. Patent Turned (Compar, John SIMMONS, aged 20 `` nirbagborn Bermondsey, London , Charles SUMMERS  nephew aged 36 7months, born Bermondsey, London

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