10 | DACKOMBE Heraldry |
Daccombe [Dorsetshire,] vert, a griffin,
segregant, ar. membered gu.
Dacombe, gu. on a chev. or, betw. three roses are. as many towers
with spires az.
Dacham, vert, a griffin, segreant, ar. See Dakecombe
Dachard or Dacherd, or, five fusils, in bend, gu.
Dakecombe or Dakeham, [Lincolnshire and Shropshire,) gu. three
steeple-spires ar. two and one.
Dackcombe, [Steplton, Dorsetshire,] gu. on a chev. or, betw.
three roses ar. as many steeples (or spires) of churches az.
Dackcombe, [Hogford, Dorsetshire,] vert, a griffin segreant, ar.
Dackcombe, [Croft-Castle, Dorsetshire.] The same arms with a
crescent. - Crest, an oak tree ppr. fructed or, round the tree, a
scroll, with this motto, Virtutis robort robor.
Corfe Castle (Croft) Dorsetshire Arms as
Corfe Castle (Croft)
Dorsetshire Crest as above
Dackum gu. three spires ar.
Dackum, [Stepleton, Dorsetshire,] gu. on a chev. betw. three
roses ar. as many steeples sa.
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