Military Records 
 British Army WWI Pension Records
 Aquila George Dackombe

The following information was found on Ancestry.com

Details below for Aquila George Dackombe - Details filled in on form are in Bold

(For the Duration of the War)

No G.S.E.S.  6829
Name Aquila George Dackombe
Corps  East Surrey Regiment
Questions asked on Recruitment
What is you name Aquila George Dackombe
What is your full address 33 Chapter Road, Walworth, Surrey
Are you a British Subject? Yes
What is your Age? 42 years 5 months
What is your Trade or Calling? Musician
Are you married Widower
Have you ever served in any branch of His Majesty;s Forces, naval or military, if so, Which? 11 1/2 years Essex Rgt the R. Gar. Regt
Are you willing to be vaccinated or re-vaccinated? Yes
Are you willing to be enlisted for General Service Yes
Did you receive a Notice, and do you understand its meaning Yes
I Aquila George Dackombe do solemnly declare that the above answers made by me to the above questions are true, and that I am willing  to fulfill the engagements made.
Aquila George Dackombe


I Aquila George Dackombe swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance  to His Majesty King George the Fifth. His Heirs and Successors, and that I will as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown, and dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors, and of the Generals and Officers set over me. So help me God.


The Recruit above named was cautioned by me that if he made any false answer to any of the above question he would be liable to be punished as provided in the Army Act.
The above questions were then read to the Recruit in my presence.
I have taken care that he understands each question, and that his answer to each question has been duly entered as replied to, and the said Recruit has signed the declaration and taken the oath before me at Kingston-upon-Thames on this .........day of 1st Jan 1915
Signature of the Justice
Recruiting Officer 31st R.D R.A.


I certify that this Attestation of the above-named Recruit is correct, and properly filled up, and that the required forms appear to have been complied with. I accordingly approve and appoint him to the East Surrey Regt
If enlisted by special authority, Army Form B.203 (or other authority for the enlistment will be attached to the original attestation.
Date 1 JAN 1915
??? Depot E. SURREY REGT
Approving Officer


Name Aquila George Dackombe
Apparent age 42 years 5 months     Height 5 feet 5 inches
Chest measurement - Girth when fully expanded 34 inches - Range of expansion 2 inches
Distinctive marks 4 Tac Marks R & 4 So left arm Lt Brown Hair Grey at temple - Eyes Blue Grey - Complexion Fresh


Name and Address of next of kin Aquila James Dackombe 128 East St Walworth Surrey Relationship Son


Service towards limited engagement reckons from 1.1.15
Joined at Kingston on Thames on 1.1. 15

Corps in which Served East Surrey, Attested Pte 1.1.15
Posted 1.1.15

Discharged No longer fit for War Service Paid 392 ??? PTE 1.12.17 Captain for Colonel No 1 Record Office Hounslow
Permanently excluded from ??? under the ????

Total service towards Engagement to 1.12.17 (date of discharge) 2 years 335 days

I Aquila George Dackombe, do solemnly and sincerely declare that I was enlisted on the 26th August 1889, under the name of Thomas Weston which name I now declare to be incorrect. The name of Aquila George Dackombe contained in the accompanying Certificate of Birth, I now declare to be my true name, and I make this solemn declaration, conscientiously believing the same to true, and by virtue of the provisions of an Act made and passed in the ninth year of the reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, Chapter 62 entitled The Statutory declaration Act 1835

Aquila George Dackombe

Declared before me at Warley this 25th day of July 1891

William A. Turnbull
J.P. for County of Essex.

STATEMENT of the SERVICES of No 6829 Name DACKOMBE Aquila George

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