(2)married 8th August 1941 Williamstown Massachusetts USA |
2 JANE McWHINNIE born about 10th December 1918 Mechanicville Saratoga County, New York USA died 18th October 1989 buried October 1989 Saint Marys Cemetery Waterford, Saratoga County New York USA |
4 Dorothy J CHRISTOPHER born 6th December 1937 Schenectady Schenectady County New York USA died 22nd January 2023 Schenectady Schenectady County New York USA Aged 85 |
5 Frank G DeCERCE Jr born 7th May 1942 died 1st January 2016 buried January 2016 Grove Cemetery Delanson, Schenectady County New York USA married Carolyn R DeGEORGE born 10th November 1939 Albany Albany County New York USA died 18th September 2023 Albany Albany County New York USA buried September 2023 Grove Cemetery Delanson Schenectady County New York USA |
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