FEEKINS Chart 0401 |
married September quarter 1897 St Ives district Huntingdonshire |
1 WILLIAM CHINERY/CHENERY FEEKINS born about 1872 Fenton, Huntingdonshire occupation 1881 Scholar 1891 Labourer - Farm 1901 Horsekeeper on Farm 1911 Farm Labourer |
2 SARAH ANN TOWNSEND born about 1872 Ramsey Huntingdonshire (1901) Mossley Manchester (1911) |
3 Kathleen FEEKINS born about December quarter 1899 Ramsey Huntingdonshire occupation 1911 School |
4 Mabel FEEKINS born about March quarter 1901 (1 month on the 1901 Census) Ramey Huntingdonshire occupation 1911 School |
5 Walter FEEKINS born about December quarter 1902 Ramsey Huntingdonshire |
6 Charles William FEEKINS born about 1910 (registration no found) Ramsey Huntingdonshire |
The idea of these charts is to give the information that we have found in the research we have done and put together and with the help of many other people who have contacted us over the past thirty odd years we have been researching our family. The idea is that you click on the Chart box in blue to be taken to the next family. There is now a large number of charts to be found and connections can be made to all the main families I am researching. If a chart has a box with the standard background it means that as yet I have not put the Chart on the Web.
To conform to the Data Protection Act
all the Charts have been altered to exclude all details for living
people other than the name.
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