FOSTER Chart 0201

This is a Chart for David Glynne Foster and Nina Eunice Pearl Barnard


Ellesmere Port


14th May 1914
June quarter
Wirral district
Motor Mechanic Garage
February 1986
Chester and Ellesmere Port
Aged 71
10th February 1986

28th August 1915
(birth appears as 28th August 1916 on 1939 Census and, registration of death
but as registration of birth was in 1915 I think only the 1921 Census is correct)
December quarter
Gravesend district
1921 School Part Time
1939 Cost Clerk
March 2005
Chester and Ellesmere Port
Aged 89


June quarter
Wirral district

September  quarter
Wirral district
  1. 1939 5 Oak Grove, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Emily FOSTER born 5th November 1988 Unpaid Domestic Duties, David G FOSTER  born 14th May 1914 Motor Mechanic Garage, George A FOSTER born 10th November 1915 Motor Mechanic Garage
  2. 1921 2 Priestfield Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Alfred BARNARD aged 46 years and 1 month born Northfleet, Kent, Cooper Ship Canal Portland Cement Works, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, Mabel BARNARD aged 47 years and 2 months born Northfleet, Kent, Housewife, Cecilia BARNARD aged 19 years and 8 months born Northfleet, Kent, Cable Finisher, British Insulated and Helseby Cable, Works, Helsby nr. Warrington, Cheshire, Gertrude BARNARD aged 17 years and 3 months born Northfleet, Kent, Rubber Cleaner, British Insulated and Helsby Cable Works, Helsby nr Warrington, Cheshire, Kathleen BARNARD aged 15 years and 9 months born Northfleet, Kent, Telephone Cord Maker, British Insulated and Helsby Cable Works,, Helsby nr Warrington, Cheshire, Cyril BARNARD aged 13 years and 8 months born Northfleet, Kent, School Whole Time, Sydney BARNARD aged 11 years and 1 month born Denton, Kent, School Whole Time, Nina BARNARD aged 5 years and 10 months born Gravesend, Kent, School Part time, Henry BARNARD aged 4 years and 1 month born Gravesend, Kent.
    1939 Rent House, Aingarth Castle Drive, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire. Alfred BARNARD born 25th May 1875 Cooper, A.R.P. Shell Mex, Mabel BARNARD born 18th April 1874 Unpaid Domestic Duties, Sydney G T BARNARD born 4th May 1910 Painter, Nina U P BARNARD (later FOSTER) born 28th August 1916 Cost Clerk, Henry J S BARNARD born 30th May 1917 Private Car Driver , A.R.P Shell Mex
    1941 Newspaper Report
    Chester Chronicle
    25th October 1941
    Mis Nina Eunice Barnard daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Barnard, Kent House, Castle Drive, Whitby, was married at the Parish Church on Saturday to Mr. Glynne D Foster, son of Mrs. Foster, Oak Grove, Whitby.
    The bride, given away by her father, wore a white mediaeval lace dress, with veil, and coronet of orange blossom. The Misses Irene Postings and Marguerite Offley were the bridesmaids, and the Misses Elizabeth Offley and Pearl Biggin attendants. Sergt. V. I Foster was best man, while the groomsmen were Pte. S Barnard, Driver V. Barnard, and Messrs. C. Biggin and G. Jones. Fifty guests attended the reception at the bride's home.
    1968 Newspaper Report
    Chester Observer
    1st March 1968
    "Youth on Show"
    "Youth on Show" was founded in the summer of 1962 as a "Society" for people of all ages, intent on producing public entertainment in support of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
    It aims to present entertainment of the highest possible quality in the form of stage productions, the entire cast, where possible, to be selected from members under the age of 21 years, to create enjoyment for as many young persons as possibly in the interest of children in the need of care.
    This year's show iwll bo produced by Mr. Eric Williams, of Chester, who came to us at short notice late last year, and made a wonderful effort to produce "Treasure Island".
    The script, this year, has been written by Mrs. Nina Foster, of 44, Fern Road, Ellesmere Port, who has also compiled the musical score. The production is hoped to be the best yet, with a cast of approximately 150 children. 
    It is to be held at the Civic Hall, Ellesmere Port at the end of November.
    Auditions are to be held on 4th March
    1992 Newspaper Report
    Chester Chronicle
    6h March 1992
    Nina keeps on playing
    PIANIST Nina Foster played the ivory keys non-stop for three hours to raise money for a Saughall Church. The sponsored event raised more that £300 towards a heating appeal, launched by All Saints Church.
    The existing oil heating system at the church is now worn out. The appeal hopes to secure funds for a new gas central heating system. Nina, organist for Saughall Mothers' Union, played a selection of favourite tunes for the residents living at the sheltered accommodation know as Wain House, off Rakeway.
    The MU Union also held a bring and buy sale and a raffle as part of the day's fundraising activities.
    Caption on photo in article reads
    PIANIST Nina Foster won't stop playing even for a cup of tea.

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