HOAD Chart 0300

This is a Chart for Christopher Hoad, Caroline Polton and Charles (Charlie) S Summers


28th April 1912
St James

March quarter
St Olave district


born about
Peckham, London
June quarter
Camberwell district
1901 Skin Dyer
1911 Fur Dyer
1912 Fur Worker (at marriage)
1913 Labouter (baptims of son Christopher Henry)
1914 Fur Worker (baptimms of daughter Caroline Winifred)
1919 Labourer (baptism of daughter Rose Mary)
1921Factory Labourer (out of work)
possibly died
December quarter 1922
Hendon district
Aged 41
30th July 1917

24th October 1880
Newington, London
(age 5 months on 1881 Census)
December quarter
1891 Scholar
1911 Factory
1921 Home Duties
possibly died
September quarter
Bermondsey district
Aged 56
30th July 1917

2nd November 1884
69 The Grange
1891 Scholar
1901 Leather Blaster
1939 Leatherworker

born about
March quarter
St Olave district
5th March 1913
St James
Jamaica Road
June quarter
St Olave district
Aged 0
born about
June quarter
St Olave district
Greater London
31st May 1914
St James
Jamaica Road
possibly died
June quarter
Bermondsey district
Aged 20
7th June 1919
September quarter
St Olave district
Greater London
22nd June 1919
St John
Tooley Street
possibly died
March quarter
Bermondsey district
Aged 17
born about
September quarter
St Olave district
Greater London
possibly died
December quarter
St Olave district
Aged 0
24th November 1921
  1. 1881 37 Acorn Street, Peckham, London. John HOAD aged 38 Police Constable born Pett, Sussex, Mary HOAD aged 38 born Sedlescanal, Sussex, John E HOAD aged 15 Scholar born Peckham, Surrey, Henry HOAD aged 9 Scholar bonr Peckham, Surre, William HOAD aged 6 born Peckham, Surrey, Chrisopher HOADE aged 2 weeks born Peckham, Surrey
    1891 49 Acrew Place, Peckham, Camberwell, London, John HOOD aged 48 Watchman on Railway born Pett Sussex, Mary HOOD aged 48 born Seddlescnet?, Sussey, Henry HOOD aged 19 Railway Porter born Peckham, Surrey, William HOOD aged 16 Hatters Porter born Peckham, Surrey, George HOOD aged 13 born Peckham, Surrey, Chirstophe HOOD aged 10 born Peckham, Surrey
    1901 37 Coopers Road, Camberwell, London. Mary HOAD widow, aged 57 born Hastup? Sussex, Henry HOAD abed 29 Skin Dyer born Peckham, London, George HOAD aged 24 Skin Dyer born Peckham, London, Chris HOAD aged 20 Skin Dyer born Peckham, London, Emma HOAD Granddaughter aged 12 born Peckhma, London, James BARRETT Boarder aged 2 born Peckham, London.
    1911 101 Lucey Rd, Bermondsey S E Mary HOAD, aged 68 a Widow (although crossed through she is down as having been married 40 years and having had 6 children 4 survive and 3 had died at the date of t his Census, she was born in Haskings, Sussex, Henry HOAD aged 38 Fur Dyer born Peckham, London, Cris HOAD aged 28 Fur Dyer born Peckham, London, John HOAD Grandson aged 15 Bottle Wahsing (Bottle Beer Compan)y born Bermondsey, London, Roselina HOAD Granddaughter aged 14 Lableing Paint Manufactuer born Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Emily HOAD Grandaughtter aged 12 School born Grimsby, Lincolnshire, William HOAD Grandson aged 10 school, born Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Geore HOAD aged 8 School born Grimsby, Lincilnshire, Harry HOAD aged 5 School born Grimsby, Lincolnshire.
    1912 42 Alviers Street, Bermondsey, London. Father John HOAD deceased Policeman
    1913 29 Nexk???, Bermondsey, London (baptism of son Christopher Henry)
    1914 38 The Grange, Bermondsey, London (baptism of daughter Caroline Winifred)
    1919 51 Larnaca Street, Horsleydown, Bermondsey, London (baptism of duaghter Rose Mary)
    1920 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll)
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London  Christopher HOAD aged 40 years and 6 months born Camberwell, London, Factory Labourer (Out of Work), Caroline HOAD aged 40 years 9 months born London (not known) Home Duties, Caroline Winifred HOAD aged 7 years 2 months Bermondsey, London, Rose Mary HOAD aged 2 born London Bermondsy, George Christophe HOAD aged under one month born Bermondsey, London.
  2. 1891 Census - 17 Debnams Road, Rotherhithe, London.
    1901 Census - 17 Leebnams Road, Rotherhithe, London.
    1911 Census - 65 Linsey St S E
    1912 20 Enid Street. (Again found marriage certificate, father is down as James, Fishmonger deceased, so again certain correct family.)
    I have found a marriage for a Caroline POULTON in the correct area, so I think it is correct and then there are four births between 1914 and 1921 where the fathers name is HOAD and the mothers maiden name is POULTON.
    1913 29 Nexk???, Bermondsey, London (baptism of son Christopher Henry)
    1914 38 The Grange, Bermondsey, London (baptism of daughter Caroline Winifred)
    1919 51 Larnaca Street, Horsleydown, Bermondsey, London (baptism of duaghter Rose Mary)
    1920 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll)
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London Christopher HOAD aged 40 years and 6 months born Camberwell, London, Factory Labourer (Out of Work), Caroline HOAD aged 40 years 9 months born London (not known) Home Duties, Caroline Winifred HOAD aged 7 years 2 months Bermondsey, London, Rose Mary HOAD aged 2 born London Bermondsy, George Christophe HOAD aged under one month born Bermondsey, London.
    1930 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll). There is a Caroline SUMMERS at this address with a Charles SUMMERS, this is the same address as Caroline was with Christopher HOAD on the 1920 Electoral Roll, so I think is proves that Caroline remarried as I have found in the next part of this note.
    1934 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).
    1937 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).
    I believe that Caroline died in 1937 as on the 1939 Electoral Roll Charles appears by himself a 51 Larnaca Street. There was another death of a Caroline SUMMERS in September quarter 1963 in Bermondsey district who was also born in 1883 but I believe I have found the correct death
    I cannot find a death for Caroline HOAD and her husband Christopher died young, ie aged 41. There is a marriage for a Caroline HOAD in March quarter 1928 in St Olave district, London to a Charles S SUMMERS which could be a second marriage for Caroline. Will add this to chart if I can find some proof that this was in fact the case.
  3.  1884 59 The Grange, Bermondseu< London (birth of Charles (Charliie Father Samuel SUMMER a Tanner, the informant was his mother an Emily SUMMER of same address.
    There is a marriage for a Caroline HOAD in March quarter 1928 in St Olave district, London to a Charles S SUMMERS which could be a second marriage for Caroline. Will add this to chart if I can find some proof that this was in fact the case.
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsy, London, Jane SIMMONS aged 60 9 months widow born Bermondsey, London Collar Ironer (Welsh Margetron) Ellen SIMMONS ages 22 born Bermondsey, London. Patent Turned (Compar, John SIMMONS, aged 20 `` nirbagborn Bermondsey, London , Charles SUMMERS  nephew aged 36 7months, born Bermondsey, London
    1930 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).
    1934 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).
    1937 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).
    1939 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London (London Electoral Roll).  (Charles is listed by himself on this Electoral Roll so I believe Caroline had died as shown in 1937)
  4. A child on the BMD with the name HOAD and the mothers name as POULTON who I believe to be a child of this couple.
    1913 29 Nexk???, Bermondsey, London (baptism of son Christopher Henry)
  5. A child on the BMD with the name HOAD and the mothers name as POULTON who I believe to be a child of this couple.
    1914 38 The Grange, Bermondsey, London (baptism of daughter Caroline Winifred)
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London , Christopher HOAD aged 40 years and 6 months born Camberwell, London, Factory Labourer (Out of Work), Caroline HOAD aged 40 years 9 months born London (not known) Home Duties, Caroline Winifred HOAD aged 7 years 2 months Bermondsey, London, Rose Mary HOAD aged 2 born London Bermondsy, George Christophe HOAD aged under one month born Bermondsey, London.
  6. A child on the BMD with the name HOAD and the mothers name as POULTON who I believe to be a child of this couple.
    1919 51 Larnaca Street, Horsleydown, Bermondsey, London (baptism of duaghter Rose Mary)
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London  Christopher HOAD aged 40 years and 6 months born Camberwell, London, Factory Labourer (Out of Work), Caroline HOAD aged 40 years 9 months born London (not known) Home Duties, Caroline Winifred HOAD aged 7 years 2 months Bermondsey, London, Rose Mary HOAD aged 2 born London Bermondsy, George Christophe HOAD aged under one month born Bermondsey, London.
  7. A child on the BMD with the name HOAD and the mothers name as POULTON who I believe to be a child of this couple.
    1921 51 Larnaca Street, Bermondsey, London  Christopher HOAD aged 40 years and 6 months born Camberwell, London, Factory Labourer (Out of Work), Caroline HOAD aged 40 years 9 months born London (not known) Home Duties, Caroline Winifred HOAD aged 7 years 2 months Bermondsey, London, Rose Mary HOAD aged 2 born London Bermondsy, George Christophe HOAD aged under one month born Bermondsey, London.

    It would appear that all of the four children born to Christopher and Caroline died young as is shown above. I was hoping that I would possibly be able to prove Caroline remarried from Probate details etc from their children but this is not going to be the case.

The idea of these charts is to give the information that we have found in the research we have done and put together and with the help of many other people who have contacted us over the past thirty odd years we have been researching our family. The idea is that you click on the Chart box in blue to be taken to the next family. There is now a large number of charts to be found and connections can be made to all the main families I am researching. If a chart has a box with the standard background it means that as yet I have not put the Chart on the Web.
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