HOWE Chart 0600 |
married 24th March 1830 Warboys Huntingdonshire |
1 WILLIAM HOWE born about 1808 Warboys Huntingdonshire baptised 29th July 1810 Warboys, Huntingdonshire occupation 1841 Ag Lab 1851 Publican 1861 Farmer of 12 acres 1871 Publican and Farmer of 3 acres |
2 ELIZA PARKIN born about 1810 London, England occupation 1851 Publican died 18th August 1894 Age 84 |
3 William HOWE born about 1831 Warboys Huntingdonshire occupation 1851 Farm Labourer |
4 Mary Ann HOWE born about 1836 Warboys Huntingdonshire baptised 21st February 1836 Warboys, Huntingdonshire died 8th June 1914 Warboys, Huntingdonshire married |
5 John HOWE born about 1837 Warboys Huntingdonshire |
6 Martha Elizabeth HOWE born about 1843 Warboys Huntingdonshire married June quarter 1862 Huntingdon district Huntingdonshire Thomas HODSON |
7 Eliza HOWE born about 1847 Ramsey Huntingdonshire married |
8 Isaac HOWE born about 1848 Ramsey Huntingdonshire occupation 1871 Farm Labourer |
9 (Frederick) Henry HOWE born about 1852 Ramsey Huntingdonshire possibly married June quarter 1874 Huntingdon district Huntingdonshire Elizabeth RUFF |
The idea of these charts is to give the information that we have found in the research we have done and put together and with the help of many other people who have contacted us over the past thirty odd years we have been researching our family. The idea is that you click on the Chart box in blue to be taken to the next family. There is now a large number of charts to be found and connections can be made to all the main families I am researching. If a chart has a box with the standard background it means that as yet I have not put the Chart on the Web.
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