THOROGOOD Chart 0300 |
married |
1 |
2 ELIZABETH MAUD STEDMAN born 18th January 1877 Marshall Place, Leather Bottle Lane Northfleet, Kent registered June quarter 1877 North Aylesford district Kent occupation 1881 Scholar 1921 Home Duties 1939 Incapcitated died 19th October 1978 71 Oakleigh Avenue Tolworth Surrey Aged 101 buried 1978 Surbiton Cemetery Surbiton, Surrey |
3 Frederick Henry THOROGOOD born 15th February 1900 2 Willow Cottages Kingston Road Wimbledon, Surrey occupation 1911 School 1930 Civil Servant (at marriage) military 1921 Signalman Army 2nd Training Battalion, Signal Training Centre died 26th April 1955 16 Gillian Park Road Sutton, Surrey married |
4 Maude Elizabeth THOROGOOD born 24th December 1903 2 Willow Cottages Kingston Road Wimbledon, Surrey died 27th January 1998 7 Newlands Crescent Ruishton, Taunton, Somerset married |
5 Ruth Norah THOROGOOD born 6th August 1906 Kingston district Surrey occupation 1921 At School (Whole TIme) 1925 Telephonist LTS Wimbledon Exchange 1933 Telephonist LTS Elmbridge Exchange 1939 G,P.O. Telephonist died 19th March 1998 Tolworth, Surrey buried 27th March 1998 Surbiton Cemetery Surbiton, Surrey never married |
6 John William (Jack) THOROGOOD born 22nd November 1909 631 Kingston Road Wimbledon, Surrey died 7th October 1958 Kingston, Surrey married(1) |
7 Gladys Ella Muriel THOROGOOD born 12th April 1915 Kingston district Surrey occupation 1921 At School (Whole TIme) 1939 Unpaid DOmestic Duties died December 2014 Surbiton district London Aged 99 buried 2015 married (no issue) |
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