- Udell Chart 0400 Tom Udell and Elizabeth Habgood
- Udell Chart 0300 Harry (Henry) Fortune "Buss" Udell and
Charlotte Abbott Hoyt
- Uncles Chart 0400 Ernest Uncles and Emily Stokes
- Underdown Chart 0600 Robert George Underdown, Sophia Jane Oram and Lydia Dacombe
- Underwood/Hills Chart 0300 Thomas Underwood, Alice Hankins and Ernest Arthur Hills
- Underwood Chart 0301 Eli Underwood and Alice Jane Boxall
- Underwood Chart 0501 Arthur Underwood and Bertha Helen Lupton
- Unwin Chart 0500 Alfred Unwin and Elizabeth Young
- Unwin Chart 0400 Alfred William Unwin and Florence Margaret Rawlinson
- Upchurch Chart 0700 John Upchurch and Hannah
- Upchurch Chart 0701 Thomas Upchurch and Mary ???
- Upchurch Chart 0600 John Upchurch and Elizabeth "Betsey" Marshall
- Upchurch Chart 0601 Charles Upchurch and Jane White
- Upchurch Chart 0602 Lavender Upchurch and Ann Marie
- Upchurch Chart 0603 Alfred Upchurch and Eliza Arnold
- Upchurch Chart 0604 John Upchurch and Hannah (Ann) ???
- Upchurch Chart 0500 Robert Upchurch, Jane Upchurch and Esther Taylor
- Upchurch Chart 0501 Thomas Upchurch, Hannah Hartley and Charles Tinkler
- Upchurch Chart 0502 Albert Upchurch and Elizabeth ???
- Upchurch Chart 0503 Charles Upchurch and Charlotte Ann Groves
- Upchurch Chart 0504 Lavender Upchurch, Martha (Ball) Bull, Harriet Ann ??? and ??? Gaunt
- Upchurch Chart 0505 Finnis (Phinihas) Upchurch and Gertrude Margaret Horn
- Upchurch Chart 0506 Walter Upchurch and Ada Mary Bebbington
- Upchurch Chart 0507 Finnis (Finias, Phinias, Phinnias) Upchurch and Mary Ann Slack
- Upchurch Chart 0508 Jesse Upchurch, Lizzie Allen and ???
- Upchurch Chart 0509 George Upchurch and Eliza Ann Geeson
- Upchurch Chart 0510 Charles Upchurch and Emily Hannah Chapman
- Upchurch Chart 0511 Frederick (Fred) Gifford) Upchurch and Mary Ann Clifton
- Upchurch Chart 0512 Edward Upchurch and Beatrice Louisa Stacey
- Upchurch Chart 0513 Williiam Upchurch and Mary Wyldbore
- Upchurch Chart 0400 Lewis Upchurch, Sarah Ann Dring and Mary Ann Clack
- Upchurch Chart 0401 John Upchurch and Susanna Elizabeth Onyett
- Upchurch Chart 0402 Edward Upchurch and Martha Norman
- Upchurch Chart 0403 Ernest Upchurch and Susannah Saunders
- Upchurch Chart 0404 Joyce Levi Upchurch and Evelyn Turner
- Upchurch Chart 0405 Nelson Edward Upchurch and Rosa Harvey
- Upchurch Chart 0406 Herbert Upchurch and Ivy Irene Mary Hargreaves
- Upchurch Chart 0407 Frederick Clifton Upchurch and WInifred Kate Brand
- Upchurch Chart 0408 Sydney (Sidney) Upchurch and Elsie Rose
- Upchurch Chart 0409 Harry Upchurch and Emma Maria Crawley
- Upchurch Chart 0410 Ernest Alfred Upchurch and Grace Lenton
- Upchurch Chart 0300 Thomas Lewis Upchurch and Flora Taylor
- Upchurch Chart 0301 Frederick Gifford Upchurch and Man Ann Clifton
- Upfold (Upfield) Chart
0400 Thomas (Upfield) Upfold and Charlotte Gumbrell
- Upfold Chart 0300 William Upfold and Miriam Annie Hill
- Upfold Chart 0301
Thomas Upfold and Annie Maud Rofe
- Upfold Chart 0302
William James Upfold and Sophia Lavinia Roffey
- Upfold Chart 0303 Eli
Frederick Upfold and Annie Elizabeth Waterer
- Upfold Chart 0304
Arthur Theodore Upfold and Elizabeth Mabel Wright
- Upfold Chart 0305
Edmund Jesse Upfold and Elsie Florence Earwaker
- Upfold Chart 0200 William George Edward Upfold and Nora Elsie Cummins
- Upfold Chart 0201
Harold Thomas Upfold and Grace Agnes Goacher
- Upfold Chart 0202
Percy Upfold and Ethel Charlotte Simpson
- Upfold Chart 0203
Ernest Arthur Upfold and Irene Jessie Walter
- Upfold Chart 0204
Frederick Ernest Upfold and Gladys A Compton
- Upfold Chart 0205
Ronald Arthur Upfold, Dorothy Ada Beadle and George H Wilton
- Upfold/Gurman Chart 0206
Arthur Percy Upfold, June Reardon, Gwendoline Florence Varcoe,
Stanley Hancock, Cyril Ralph Gurman and Gwendoline Rhoda Agnes
- Upfold Chart 0207
William John James Upfold, Daisy Williams, Mary Louise Lashman/Lashmar,
Douglas C Jones, Robert G Thomas, John William Goodenough and Audrey
- Upfold Chart 0208
Reginald Charles Upfold and Sheila Mary Howell
- Upton Chart 0400 Alfred Upton and Clara Hodson
- Urry Chart 0300 Walter Alfred Urry, Flora Mabel Brown and Ada Maud Alderson
- Usher Chart 0600 Edward Usher, Elizabeth Maria Guyatt, Susanna (Susan) Jane Scott, Charles Wildey and Martha Wildey
- Usher Chart 0500 Albert Edwin Usher and Rosanna Jackman"
- Usher/Bonnie Chart 0501 Joseph Usher, Alice Elizabeth Baker, Henry Edward Cater, Frances Rixon and John Arthur Bonnie
- Usher Chart 0400 Herbert William Usher and Ellen Wyatt
- Utteridge Chart 0700 William Utteridge and Mary ???
- Utteridge Chart 0600 Robert Utteridge, Sarah Dust and Margaret Haylock
- Utteridge Chart 0500 John Utteridge and Mary Ann Bedford
- Utteridge Chart 0501 Isaac Utteridge and Mary Oakey
- Utteridge Chart 0400 Robert Utteridge and Eliza Hide/Hyde
- Utteridge Chart 0401 John Utteridge and Elizabeth Wilson
- Utteridge Chart 0402 Charles Utteridge and Emma Behagg
- Utteridge Chart 0403 George Utteridge and Rebecca Ball
- Utteridge Chart 0300 Herbert Utteridge and Hannah McCabe
- Utteridge Chart 0301 Frank Utteridge and Clara May Poulson
- Valentine Chart 0200 Eustace Caunter Valentine and Hilda Mary Portway
- Vallis Chart 0200
William John Vallis and Nellie Hastings Hessey
- Van Boolen Chart 0300 Leonard Van Boolen and Florrie (Florence) Wheaton
- Vasse Chart 0300 William Vasse and Emily Wilton
- Vaughan Chart 0400 Arthur Vaughan and Louisa Anslow
- Vaughn Chart 0300
Charles Vaughn and Alice Terry
- Vaughn Chart 0200
Charles Draper Vaughn and Rita O Giles
- Veal Chart 0300 Frank Veal and Margaret Ellen Stevens
- Veal Chart 0200 Robert Philip Veal and Jessie May Hudson
- Venn Chart 0400 William Venn and Elizabeth Longhurst
- Venn Chart 0401 George Venn and Edith Kate Barrell
- Venn Chart 0402 Ernest Venn, Rosa Spray and ???
- Venn Chart 0300 Frederick John Venn and Caroline Harriet Balchin
- Venn Chart 0301 Bassil Venn and Fanny Davey
- Venn Chart 0200 John Venn and Martha Louisa Setterfield
- Venteman Chart 1000
Thomas Venteman and Jane ???
- Venus Chart 0300 William Rupert Venus and Amy Stemp
- Venus Chart 0200 Thomas Rupert Venus and Lena Baldwin
- Vernon Chart 0400 James M Churchill, Mary Ann Wheaton, John J Vernon and Isabella Wheaton
- Vernon Chart 0401 Allen Creath Vernon and Ruth Wheaton
- Vernon Chart 0300 Ira Abel Vernon and Elizabeth (Lizzie) M
- Vernon Chart 0301 William J Vernon and Clara B ???
- Vernon Chart 0302 George O Vernon and Eva J ???
- Vernon Chart 0303 John A Vernon and Kathryn ???
- Vernon Chart 0200 Guy Clinton Vernon and Ellen Sophie Paderson
- Verrion Chart 0600 John Verrion and Margaret Smith
- Verrion Chart 0500 Edward Bolton Austen Verrion and Mary Cooper
- Verrion Chart 0501 John Verrion and Elizabeth ???
- Verrion Chart 0400 Thomas George Varrion and Charlotte Crouch
- Verrion Chart 0401 Charles Verrion and Martha Stevens
- Verrion Chart 0402 George William Verrion and Hannah Maria Williams
- Verrion Chart 0300 John Edward Verrion and Annie Louise Chambers
- Verrion Chart 0301 Charles Edward Verrion and Alice Ellen Purkiss
- Verrion Chart 0302 Henry John (Harry) Verrion and Elizabeth Ann Hopper
- Verrion Chart 0100 Herbert Martin Verrion and Winifred Archer Meader
- Vesey Chart 0300 Henry Vesey and Agnes Isabella Porter
- Vickers Chart 0400 John Vickers and Sarah Jane Cousins
- Vickers Chart 0300 Harold Vickers and Clara Annie Pilling
- Vickers Chart 0301 James Herbert Vickers and Harriet Holt
- Vickers Chart 0302 Frank Vickers and Sarah Jane Mason
- Vickery Chart 0500 William Vickery and Florence Emma Mercer
- Vigne/Ivory Chart 0400 Henri de Vigne, Alice Cracknell and William J Ivory
- Viles Chart 0500 William Viles, Charlotte ??? and Susan Darrington
- Viles Chart 0400 John Viles and Althea Lawrence
- Vinall Chart 0200 William Alfred C W Vinall and Violet Longhurst
- Vinehout/Monroe Chart 0300 John Vinehort, Lily Mary Smith and LeRoy R Monroe
- Vinehout Chart 0200 John Thomas Vinehort and Mildred A VanPatten
- Vincent Chart 0600 Thomas Vincent and Edeth (Edith) Hussey
- Vincent Chart 0400 William John B Vincent and Florence Ann(ie) Aspinall
- Vincent Chart 0402 George Vincent and Elizabeth Tickner
- Vincent Chart 0300 Sidney Owen Vincent and Mary Emma J Cobb
- Vincett Chart 0401 Albert Frederick Vincett, Elizabeth Nettleingham, Phillip Cox and
George Sherwood
- Viner Chart 0500 Richard Viner and Mary Jane
- Vinten Chart 0200 Alfred Henry Vinten and Elsie M Osgood
- Vizor Chart 0100 Henry Vizor and Georgina Coxhead
- Vogado Chart 0300 Abijah Stephen Vagado and Ellen Welch Cadman
- Vogt Chart 0200 Alfred Joseph Vogt, Alice Tollafield and Agnes Ada Mabel Huckle
- Vokes Chart 0300 James Vokes and Louisa Warner
- Vokes Chart 0200 Rufus Donald Vokes and Mary Constance Sarah Hitchman
- Vokes Chart 0201 James Charles Vokes and Vera Maud Bundy
- Voyce Chart 0300 Frederick Voyce and Ethel May Bradford
- Vurnum Chart 0300 Alfred Vurnum and Alice Anna Stemp
- Vurnum Chart 0200 Victor Leonard Vurnum and Elanor Emily May Brown
- Vurnum Chart 0201
Douglas Stanley Vurnum, Winifred Roase Maltby and Samuel J Barron
- Waddelow Chart 0300 James Waddelow and Georgina Sophia Riley
- Waddington Chart 0500 Mathew Waddington and Clara Jackson
- Wade Chart 0400 Robert
Thomas Wade and Charlotte Eliza "Eliza" Danton
- Wade Chart 0300 James Barnabas Wade and Mary Henrietta Shute
- Wade Chart 0301 Richard Wallace Wade and Elizabeth (Eliza) Annie Hull
- Wade Chart 0302 Edward Henry Wade and Daisy Rachel Chesson
- Wade Chart 0200 Sydney Danton Wade and Kathleen Theresa O'Donoghue
- Wade Chart 0201 Cecil Frank Wade and Bessie Sampson Symes
- Wadey Chart 0200 Charles Wadey and Ella Annie Boxall
- Wadlow/Wheaton Chart 0600 John Thomas Wadlow, Eliza James Wheaton and ???
- Wagner Chart 0500
Joseph Wagner and Caroline (Catherine) Trower
- Wagon Chart 0300 Thomas Wagon and Charlotte (Lottie) Sarah Avory
- Wakeford Chart 0400 Charles Wakeford and Eliza Furlong Tickner
- Wainwright Chart 0400 William Titshall Wainwright and Maud(e) M Setterfield
- Wake Chart 0400 George Henry Welch Wake Caroline Laker and Alice
May Pratt
- Wake Chart 0300 George Henry Wake and Annie Lilian Bingham
- Wakefield Chart 0100 Bertram William Mark Wakefield and Margery Louisa Boshier
- Wakeford Chart 0300 Charles John Wakeford and Mary Goode
- Wakeford Chart 0301 Walter William Wakeford and Marion Weller
- Wakeham Chart 0300 Thomas Wakeham and Evelyn/Eveline Hutchings
- Wakelin Chart 0100 George Thomas Wakelin and Lilian Gladys White
- Walden Chart 0400 Sidney Walden and Emily Jane Dacombe
- Wales Chart 0600 John Wales and Sarah ???
- Wales Chart 0500 Edward Wales and Ann Butcher
- Wales Chart 0501 James Wales and Mary ???
- Wales Chart 0502 Lewis Wales, Mary ??? and Elizabeth
(Eliza) Strather
- Wales Chart 0200 Sydney Frank Wales and Mary Gertrude Rosiline Richardson
- Walk Chart 0800 Gabriel
Walk and Elizabeth Bushell
- Walk Chart 0700 John
Walk and Sarah Minter
- Walkden/Figg Chart 0300 George Figg, Sarah Jane Smith, Alfred Edgar Walkden and Selina Emily Edermaniger
- Walker Chart 0900 Isaac Walker and Mary ???
- Walker Chart 0800 Stephen Walker and Mary ???
- Walker Chart 0400 William Henry Walker and Sarah Tenney
- Walker Chart 0401
James Walker and Mary Ann Nelson
- Walker Chart 0402 Henry Walker and Harriett Stemp
- Walker Chart 0300 William Henry Walker and Mary Ann Kitchen
- Walker Chart 0301 Arthur Walker and Annie Powell
- Walker Chart 0302 Richard Walker, Annie Moore and Lilian
(Charlotte) Northrop
- Walker Chart 0303 John George Walker and Hannah Daldry
- Walker Chart 0304 James Henry Walker, ??? and Amy Ann ???
- Walker Chart 0305 George Henry James Walker and Bertha Bessey Taylor
- Walker Chart 0306 Frederick James Walker and Mary Jane Brewer
- Walker Chart 0307 (Alfred) William Walker, Sarah (Lillitle) (Lilleth) Jane Rockall
- Walker Chart 0200 James Henry Walker and Mary Christina Philomina Hughes
- Walker Chart 0306 Frederick James Walker and Mary Jane Brewer
- Walker Chart 0201 William Dallington Walker and Susan Larman
- Walker Chart 0202 James Richard Walker, Mary Edwards
- Walker Chart 0203 John Stephen Walker and Elizabeth Florence Twiner
- Walker Chart 0204 Thomas George Harold Walker and Alice Amelia Winifred (Winnie) Spearink
- Walker Chart 0205 Isaiah Walker and Sarah Louise Schram
- Walker Chart 0206 Cyril D R Walker and Doris Maud Currell
- Walker Chart 0207 Kenneth B Walker and Suzanne Buckley
- Walker Chart 0208 David Barlow Walker and Frances Louise Blackman
- Walkington Chart 0100 Albert Walkington and Elsie May Crossman
- Wallace Chart 0600 Peter Margetson Wallace and Louisa Turmaine
- Wallace Chart 0500 George Wallace abd Jane Elizabeth Sudds
- Wallace/West Chart 0400 George Doughty, Sarah Oinn and Hannah Pound
- Waller Chart 1800 William Waller and Isobel ???
- Waller Chart 1700 William Waller and ???
- Waller Chart 1600 William Waller and ???
- Waller/Bottinge Chart 1500
Robert Waller, Katherine K ???, Steven Bottinge and Letyce Peper
- Waller Chart 1501 Richard Waller, Jillian ??? and Alice Ayles
- Waller Chart 1502 Roger Waller and ???
- Waller Chart 1400 Richard Waller and Joan Kinge
- Waller Chart 1300 Richard Waller, Elizabeth Turnor and Joanne Edwards
- Waller Chart 1200 James Waller, Elizabeth Thaler and John Rowland
- Waller Chart 1201 Thomas Waller and Bridget Nye
- Waller Chart 1100 James Waller and Elizabeth Woodman
- Waller Chart 1000 James Waller and Ann Hosmer
- Waller Chart 0900 Henry Waller and Martha
- Waller
Chart 0800 Walter Waller and Elizabeth Greenfield
Chart 0700 Walter Waller and Mary Holloway
Chart 0600 Walter Waller, Rebecca White, ???, Daniel
Longhurst and Sarah Parsons
- Waller Chart 0601 Samuel Waller and Dinah ???
Chart 0500 John Waller/Walder, Harriet/Harriot Stemp
and Ellen Thayre
Chart 0501 Henry Waller and Rebecca Skilton
Chart 0504 Edward Waller, Sarah Ann ??? and William Weller
- Waller Chart 0505 Peter Waller and Hannah Borer
Chart 0400 John Waller, Harriett Blake and ???
Chart 0401 Walter Waller and Mary Anne West Nottridge
- Waller Chart 0402 William Waller and Edith Covey
- Waller Chart 0403 Frederick (Walder) Waller and Eva Annie Buck
- Waller Chart 0404 Mark Waller and Fanny Pavey
- Waller Chart 0405 Peter Waller and Mary Anne Harding
- Waller Chart 0406 Job (Joseph) Waller, George Durrant, Emma Underwood, Ellen Edwards and ???
- Waller Chart 0407 James Waller and Mary Tickner
- Waller/Allen Chart 0300 Ernest Arthur (Montie) Waller, Agnes (Aggie) Butcher and Charles William Allen
- Waller Chart 0301 Percy Waller and Mary Sophia Blake
- Waller Chart 0302 Ernest Waller and Annie Elizabeth Kimbell
- Waller Chart 0303 Frederick James Waller and Doris Hilda Alice Tomkins
- Waller Chart 0304 James Mortimer (Maltimer) Waller and Rose
(Rosa) (Rosie) Puttock
- Waller Chart 0305 William Raymond Waller and Alice Beatrice Smith
- Waller Chart 0306 Arthur Waller and Mary Waller
- Waller Chart 0307 Thomas Waller and Annie Jane Pearce
- Waller Chart 0308 George Waller and Martha Lambert
- Waller Chart 0309 Edwin Waller and Emma Spong
- Waller Chart 0310 George Harry Waller and Ellen Stemp
- Waller Chart 0200 Bernard Waller and Gwendoline S R Munday
- Waller Chart 0201 Douglas Thomas M Waller and Joyce Emily M Martin
- Waller Chart 0202 William Alfred Waller and Molly Irene Hitchman
- Waller Chart 0203 Cyril Raymond Waller and Jane Upton
- Waller Chart 0204 Harold Walter Waller and Eileen Sheppard
- Waller Chart 0205 Albert Arthur (Montie) Waller and Phyllis May Harvey
- Wallis Chart 0500 Swan Wallis and Emma ???
- Wallis Chart 0400 William Wallis and Eliza (Lily) Mary Ann Wheaton
- Wallis Chart 0401 Frederick William Wallis and Anne (Annie) Onyett
- Wallis Chart 0402 James William Wallis and Mary Elizabeth Grange
- Wallis (Wallace) Chart 0300 Robert (Wallace) Wallis and Frances Ann Roberts
- Wallis Chart 0301 William Victor Wallis and Laura Bailey
- Wallis Chart 0200 Albert Wallis and Kathleen Lilian Wyld
- Walpole/Millwood Chart 0400 Horace Walpole, Sarah Anderson and Walter Millwood
- Walpole Chart 0300 George William Walpole and Agnes Jane Hobson
- Walpole Chart 0301 Horace Walpole and Winifred Rosa Baker
- Walpole Chart 0302 Walter Thomas Walpole and Elsie Buckwell
- Walsh/Barley Chart 0300 William Walsh, Mary Hannah Slater and George Barley
- Walter Chart 0400 Martin Walter and Hester (Esther) Jordan
- Walters Chart 0200
Charles Frederick Walters and Olive Margaret Boxall
- Waterhouse Chart 0200 William Bernard Lionel Waterhouse and Winifred Mary King
- Walton Chart 0400 Thomas Walton and Ada Elizabeth Setterfield
- Walton Chart 0401 Thomas William Walton and Sarah J Cox
- Walton Chart 0300 Charles John C Walton and Fanny Jeffries
- Walton Chart 0200 Exion Walton and Alice Mary Ann Overington
- Wanner Chart 0200 Frederich (Frederick) Wanner, Mary Elizabeth Carter and Eva Christensen
- Wanstall Chart 0300 Albert Robert (Robert) Wanstall and Louisa May Simmonds
- Warboys Chart 0600 Ellis Warboys and Sarah
- Warboys Chart 0500 Charles Warboys and Harriet Baxter
- Ward Chart 0400 Albert Henry Ward and Ellen (Nellie) Annie (Elizabeth) Beresford
- Ward Chart 0300 Harold Ward and Ethel Beatrice Stemp
- Ward Chart 0301 Ernest William Ward and Catherine (Kate) Sarah Colyer
- Ward Chart 0200 William Henry Ward and Emily Caroline Raggett
- Ward Chart 0201 Wallace Mason Ward, Mary Amelia Matthews and Elizabeth Bertha Smythe
- Ward Chart 0202 George William E Ward, May ??? and Alice Lilian Graffham
- Ward Chart 0203 Irwin W
Ward and Edith F Upfold
- Ward Chart 0204 Albert William Ward and Bessey (Liquorish) (Liquorice) Licquorish
- Ward Chart 0101 John Frederick Ward and Doris Madeline (Madeleine) Bristow
- Warde Chart 0300 Ben Stanley
Harold Warde and Margery Barwick
- Ware Chart 0400 Willie Ware and Mary Ann Knopp
- Ware Chart 0300 Sydney George Ware and Rebecca Saint
- Ware/Budgen Chart 0200 William John Ware, Nellie Summerford Harris
alias Somerford/Sommerford and Reginald James Budgen
- Wareham Chart 0500 James J Wareham and Mary ???
- Wareham Chart 0400 Albert Ernest Wareham and Lucy Dacombe
- Wareham Chart 0401 Frances Percival Wareham and Margaret Jane Dacombe
- Wareham Chart 0300 Edward/Edwin (Edwin George) Wareham and Florence Maude (Hilda F M) Cobb
- Waring Chart 0400 John Waring, Harriet Bateman and Emma Stemp(t)
- Waring Chart 0300 Ralph Waring and Sarah Smithers
- Waring Chart 0200 Frank Waring and Hilda Beatrice Lemming
- Warlow Chart 0500 James Simpson Warlow and Sarah Matilda Moors
- Warner Chart 0500 Charles Warner and Sarah Elizabeth Usher
- Warner Chart 0501 John Warner and Elizabeth Maria Usher
- Warner Chart 0400 Jesse Warner, Ann Stickley and Agnes Forrest
- Warner Chart 0401 John Walter Warner and Sarah Doughty
- Warner Chart 0402 Charles Warner, Ann Stemp and Emma Pannell
- Warner Chart 0403 Edmund (Edwin Charles Warner) and Martha Elizabeth Pearce
- Warner Chart 0404 John Edward Warner and Emily Louisa Bench
- Warner Chart 0405 Charles William Warner and Fanny Knight
- Warner Chart 0300 Charles Warner and Ada Wing
- Warner Chart 0301 John Warner and Lilian Amelia Allen
- Warner Chart 0302 Edward Warner and Annie Elizabeth Bliss
- Warner Chart 0303 George Warner and Edith Keen
- Warner Chart 0200 Harry Charles Warner and Florence May Wallder
- Warner Chart 0201 Eric Warner and Marjorie Ellis
- Warner/Bunce Chart 0202 William George Warner, Mary Jane Yerrell and James Henry Bunce
- Warren Chart 0500
Frederick Warren and Patience Killick
- Warren Chart 0400 Gordon
Headley Warren and Nancy Lena Dodds
- Warren Chart 0401 Ernest Samuel Warren and Lydia Sabina Mann
- Warren Chart 0402 Percy Harold Warren, Mary Barringer and Grace Irene Mordaunt Harbord
- Warren Chart 0403 Frank Warren and Ida Hoskins
- Warren Chart 0300 David Roger Warren and Muriel Elfrida Reeves"
- Warrington Chart 0200 Albert Alfred Warrington and Phyllis Lucy Stemp
- Warwick Chart 0200 Edward
Warwick and Beryl Herbert
- Wastall Chart 0400 John Wastall and Sarah Jane Setterfield
- Watcham Chart 0300 William Walter Watcham and Mary Gosling
- Waterfield Chart 0300 Henry Neville Waterfield and Florence Beatrice Rockall
- Waterhouse Chart 0200 William Bernard Lionel Waterhouse and Winifred Mary King
- Waters Chart 0300 Daniel Waters and Amelia Louisa Fentiman
- Waters Chart 0200 James Waters and Emma Ellen (Nellie) Bellchambers
- Waters Chart 0201 Percy James Waters, Rosa Eliza Bellchambers and Dorothy Mabel Ruff
- Waters Chart 0202 Arthur Waters and Ethel Jane Boxall
- Waterworth Chart 300 John Waterworth and Mary Hannah Ainsworth
- Watkins Chart 0500 John D Watkins and Emma (A) Wheaton
- Watkins Chart 0300 George Watkins and Ellen Read
- Watkins Chart 0301 Henry Robert Watkins and Alice Ada (Adela) Tanner
- Watkins Chart 0302 George Thomas Watkins and Daisy Nunn
- Watkinson Chart 0100 William Henry Watkinson and Betty Marjorie Buckingham
- Watmough Chart 0300 Fred Watmough and Jane Bradshaw
- Watson Chart 0500 Charles Watson, Ellen ???, Nellie Maria Olley and George Pitches
- Watson Chart 0400 Michael
Watson and Mary Ann Sole
- Watson Chart 0401 Gaylord E Watson and Jessie J Brail
- Watson Chart 0402 Jonathan Leaf Collingwood Watson, Mary Ann Condick and Elizabeth Faulkner
- Watson Chart 0300 Frederick Watson, Emma Fox and Robert Parker
- Watson Chart 0301 John Richard Watson and Emma Jane Sandwell
- Watson Chart 0302 Reginald Watson and Edith Mary Hafner
- Watson Chart 0303 Kenneth
Eli Watson and Minnie Irene ???
- Watson Chart 0304 Ray J Watson and Olive ???
- Watson Chart 0305 George Henry Watson and Sarah Gomersall
- Watson Chart 0306 James Alfred Watson and Constance Madeline Bignold
- Watson Chart 0200 Frederick Percival Septimus Watson and Ellen Jessy (Jessie) Bungay
- Watson Chart 0201 Daniel Percy Watson and Winifred Ada Axtell
- Watts Chart 0700 James Watts and Mary Adcock
- Watts Chart 0500 Robert Watts, ???, and Ann Upchurch
- Watts Chart 0501 William Watts and Phoebe (Phebe) Gravener Hall
- Watts Chart 0400 George Watts and Martha J Dring
- Watts Chart 0401 William Watts and Jane Henson
- Watts Chart 0402 Alfred Watts and Sarah Elizabeth Hurling
- Watts Chart 0403 John Marcus Watts,
Eliza Benwell, Elizabeth Lewis and Jane Cato Fentiman
- Watts Chart 0300 James Herbert Watts and Annie Elizabeth O Danton
- Watts Chart 0301 Charles F Watts and June B Sutton
- Watts Chart 0302 Edward Fentiman Watts and Elizabeth Adeline Beard
- Watts Chart 0303 Alfred Cao Watts, Mabel Nellie Davies, Elfreda Olive Piper and Stuart John Sleeman
- Watts Chart 0304 Thomas John Lewis Watts and Lydia Ponting
- Watts Chart 0305 John Thomas Watts and Edith Rose Gibbons
- Watts Chart 0200 George A H Watts and Alice Adelaide Sutton
- Watwood Chart 0400 James Edwin Watwood and Emily Julia Palmer
- Way Chart 0400 Albert Tom Way and Gertrude Mary Cox
- Wayman Chart 0600 ??? Wayman and Elizabeth ???
- Wayman Chart 0500 John Wayman and Sarah Jane (Ann) Scott
- Weale Chart 0300 Nelson Reuben Weale, Harriet Botting and Ellen Lucy Eade
- Weatherhead/Wetherhed Chart 0400 George
(Wetherhed) Weatherhead , Susan (Whittlesey) Whittlesea and Mary O'Connor
- Weatherley Chart 0500 William Thomas Weatherley and Mary Elizabeth Few
- Weavers Chart 0200 Albert John Weavers and Miriam Florence Setterfield
- Webb Chart 0600 Thomas Webb and Frances Chapman
- Webb Chart 0601 John Webb and Sarah Whittlesey
- Webb Chart 0500 Aaron Webb and Susannah Morgan
- Webb Chart 0501 John Webb and Emily Alford
- Webb Chart 0400 William Hagon Webb and Ellen Wheaton
- Webb Chart 0401 George Webb and Ellen Risbridger
- Webb Chart 0300 Ernest George Webb and Augusta Eliza Goldthorpe
- Webb Chart 0301 Frank Webb and Ellen Florence Jupp
- Webb Chart 0302 James S Webb and Susan Ann Flint
- Webb Chart 0303 Ulysses Grant Webb and Eunice Mildred Onyett
- Webb Chart 0200 Samuel Webb and Laura Julia Green
- Webb Chart 0201 John Webb, Minnie Stedman and Kathleen Maud Heaver
- Webb Chart 0100 Ronald Cecil Webb and Ellen F Bilby
- Webber Chart 0300 Norman John Webber and Lillian Emma Elizabeth Nightingale
- Webber Chart 0200 George H Webber and Gwendolen M D Knight
- Webster Chart 0600 John Webster and Susannah ???
- Webster Chart 0500 George Webster and Jane Brayshaw
- Webster Chart 0501 Robert Webster and Rebecca Naylor
- Webster Chart 0400 James Henry Brayshaw Webster and Alice Yates
- Webster Chart 0300 George Henry Webster, Henrietta Mary Smallbridge and Harriet Maria Beatrice Steed
- Webster Chart 0301 Thomas Webster, Jane Martha May Cullum and Charlotte "Lottie" Braseby
- Webster Chart 0200 Harold Cyril Webster and Ethel May Simmons
- Weeden Chart 0300 Archibald George Weeden and Emily Dora Shrimpton
- Weeks Chart 0400 Joseph William (John) Weeks and Florence Hannah English
- Weeks Chart 0300 Robert Thomas Weeks, Rosina Pearn, ??? Cullis, Sarah ??? and Susannah Maria Jewell Hutchings
- William Thomas Weeks and Beatrice Hancock
- Wehn Chart 0300 Martin L When and Mary Evans
- Weir
Chart 0400 Matthew Weir and Jane Stemp
- Weir Chart 0300 Matthew Francis Weir and May O'Connor
- Weir Chart 0301 Alexander Weir and Elizabeth Sophia Arnold
- Welch Chart 0500 James Welch and Mary Stevens
- Welch Chart 0501 Henry (Harry) Welch, Eliza Jane Dacombe and Sarah Dacombe
- Welch Chart 0401 George Welch and Maria Goatham
- Welch Chart 0402 Josiah Welch and Martha (Stamp) Stemp
- Welch Chart 0300 Henry Hughan Welch and Effie Elizabeth Holden
- Welch Chart 0301 Josiah William Welch, Lilian May Mason, Doris Lamberth and Annie Florence Carthew
- Welch Chart 0303 Harold Welch and Florence Marion Triggs
- Welch Chart 0200 Harold Welch and Ethel Roughley
- Welch Chart 0201 Perfectus J Welch and Florence P Webb
- Welcher Chart 0400 Robert Welcher and Agnes Sutton
- Welland/Nash Chart 0400 Alfred William Nash, Fanny (Frances) Waller and Henry Welland
- Welland Chart 0300 Albert Henry Welland and Alice Sweeting
- Welland Chart 0301 Ernest Arthur Welland and Gertrude May Nettleford
- Welland Chart 0302 Percy Laurance Welland and Annie Dorothy Hilda Wheeler
- Welland Chart 0303 Herbert Frank Welland and Evelyne Hilda Ellen Tubbs
- Weller/Laker Chart 0400 Charles James (John) Laker,
Sophia Weller and ???
- Weller Chart 0401 James Weller, Harriett Miles and Ellen (Vassey) Vasey
- Weller Chart 0300 Albert Weller and Mary Miriam Ellis
- Weller Chart 0301 Alfred James Weller and Mary (Mercy) Jane Cheeseman
- Weller Chart 0302 William Goodall Weller and Mabel Holt
- Weller Chart 0303 Frederick Bradfield Weller and Annie Stemp
- Weller Chart 0304 George Weller, Dorothy (Nellie) (Burchall) Burchell and Elizabeth Mary May West
- Weller Chart 0200 Raymond Frederick (Frederick) Weller and Mildred M Tee
- Weller Chart 0201 Charles Weller and Minnie Stace
- Weller Chart 0202 Alfred Weller and Laurie Alinda Gwendoine Stowe
- Weller Chart 0203 Edward Weller, Vera M Davis, Victor Laurence
Woods and Mabel Weller
- Weller Chart 0204 John Charles Weller, Emily Streatfield, Edith Annie Warner and
William Stone
- Welling Chart 0200 Alfred Thomas Welling and Martha Emily Fydelor
- Wellington Chart 0300 Hector Stanley Wellington and Dora Barwick
- Wells Chart 0500 Thomas Wells and Jean
- Wells Chart 0501 John Kingsford Wells and Maria Lewis
- Wells Chart 0401 James Enoch Wells and Gwellian Williams
- Wells Chart 0402 Archibald Wells and Isabella F
- Wells Chart 0301 Joseph Wells and Julia Eveline Dadley
- Wells Chart 0200 Thomas Wells and Minnie Beerling
- Wells Chart 0201 James Hattersley and Lydia Lucinda Carter
- Wells Chart 0202 Herbert George Wells and Olive Mary Stemp
- Wells Chart 0100 Courtenay Charles Wells and Mary Sarah Mounsey
- Welstead Chart 0600 William Wellstead and Jane Barnes
- Welstead Chart 0500 William John Wellstead, Jane Diffey and Esther (Hester) Louisa Diffey
- Welstead Chart 0400 Samuel Welstead, Eliza Ann Stratton and Florence March Willis
- Welstead Chart 0401 William John Welstead and Selina Louisa Dukes
- Welstead Chart 0402 Reginald William Welstead and Ellen Louisa Gosden
- Welstead Chart 0403 Albert George Welstead, Elsie Selina Scott and Eliza Helen Hiller
- Welstead Chart 0404 Edward Henry Welstead and Lucy Alice Emery
- Welstead Chart 0405 Oliver Frank Welstead and Kate Rosella Morris
- Wells Chart 0403 Harry Wells and Elizabeth Withers
- Wellstead Chart 0400 Daniel Wellstead and Caroline Cake
- Wellstead Chart 0300 Herbert Henry Wellstead and Annie Louisa Cobb
- Welton Chart 0300 Harry Page Welton, Edith Emily Cook and Gladys Thurston Nurse
- Went Chart 0400 Edward Went and Eliza Jewers
- Werfel Chart 0200 Percival Howard Werfel and Margaret Ann Jarrett
- Werry Chart 0300 Joseph Werry and Maria Rexworthy
- Wesley Chart 0300 Walter Henry Wesley and Fanny Terry
- Wesson Chart 0600 John Wesson and Phoebe/Phebe Wheaton
- West Chart 0600 Richard West and Jane Danton
- West Chart 0601 Joseph West and Mary Stokes
- West Chart 0500 Richard West and Ruth Bentley
- West Chart 0501 John West and Arabella Ann Brookbanks
- West Chart 0400 Thomas
West and Phoebe Jane Danton
- West Chart 0401 Daniel West and Annie
Elizabeth Knight
- West Chart 0402 Alfred West, Eliza Ann Day and Harriet Amelia Bowers
- West Chart 0300 Thomas James West and Harriet Ann Setterfield
- West Chart 0301 John West and Eliza Jane Mustill
- West Chart 0302 John West and Amy Maria Snelling
- West Chart 0303 Joseph William Charles West and Lucy Harriett Muggeridge
Chart 0200 Lewis (Lou) West, Evelyne Cobb and Russell
- Westbrook Chart 0300 Harold Westbrook and Emily Alice Harryman
- Westergard Chart 0200 Glen James Westergard and Ermer Carter
- Westerman Chart 0300 Thomas Edwin Westerman and Annie Marion Stemp
- Westing Chart 0200 Jack A Westing and Margaret Joyce Stemp
- Westlake Chart 0300 Albert Daniel E Westlake and Mary Elizabeth (Lily) Hutchings
- Westmore Chart 0500 William Henry Westmore and Margaret Diffey
- Weston Chart 0500 William Alfred Weston and Rachel Elizabeth Leeden
- Weston Chart 0501 Arthur Weston and Jane Leeden
- Weston Chart 0300 Herbert George Weston and Fanny Darvill
- Weston Chart 0200 Ernest Harold J Weston and Gladys Winifred Raggett
- Weston/Porritt Chart 0201 George Weston, Louie Flutter and Edward Albert Porritt
- Weston Chart 0202 William James Weston and Minnie Ethel Agens Julian
- Wethers Chart 0200 George Wethers and Winifred (Winnie) Ellen Cobb
- Wetjen Chart 0400 Diedierich Daniel Wetjen and Margaret Elizabeth Beuth
- Wetjen Chart 0300 Henry Wetjen and Harriet Betsey Anley
- Wetjen Chart 0301 Diederick Daniel Wetjen and Lilian Lyddon
- Wetjen Chart 0302 John
Frederick Wetjen and Mary Ann Elizabeth Osment
- Wetjen Chart 0303 William George Wetjen and Sophie Elizabeth Paine
- Wetjen Chart 0200 Harry Basil Wetjen, Helen Joan Schofield, Agnes Hewitt and William (Bill) Baxter
- Wetzel Chart 0300 William John Wetzel and Emily Mabel Jones
- Weymouth Chart 0300 Arthur
Weymouth and Elizabeth Ann Danton
- Weymouth Chart 0200 Frederick Arthur Weymouth and Olive Maud Iddenden
- Weymouth Chart 0201 (Arthur) Charles Weymouth and Emily Etock
- Whalen Chart 0300 Albert Ernest Whalen and Rosetta Jane (Channells) Chennell
- Whaley Chart 0600 William Whaley and Mary Ann Angood
- Whaley/Larkins Chart 0500 Samuel Whaley, Susannah (Susan) Rose and John Larkins
- Whaley Chart 0501 Arthur George Whaley, Mary Elizabeth Stratton and Sarah Louis
Mottram Reaney
- Whaley Chart 0502 William Jabez Whaley, Sarah J Stover and Emma Fewster
- Whaley Chart 0401 William George Whaley and Janet
(Jennie) Ann Wilson
- Whaley Chart 0402 Henry (Harry) Angood Whaley and Gertrude Beatrice Jull
- Whaley Chart 0403 Earnest Arthur Whaley and Sarah (Bella) Isabel Setts
- Whaley Chart 0404 Robert Charles Whaley and Sadie Matthews
- Whaley Chart 0405 John Herbert Whaley and Ethel Lou Houghton
- Whaley Chart 0406 Miles Fewster Whaley and Eunice Hall
- Whaley Chart 0407 Samuel Whaley and Sarah Ann Gyatt
- Whapshott Chart 0100 Arthur Leslie Whapshott and Amy G Tickner
- Whatford Chart 0200 George James A Whatford and Violet Agnes (Aggie) Raggett
- Whatley Chart 0300 Charles William Whatley and Rose Maria Summers
- Whatling Chart 0200 Herbert Cecil J Whatling and Vera Marion Dungate
- Wheatcroft Chart 0300 John Henry Wheatcroft and Selina Church
- Wheatcroft Chart 0200 Thomas Henry Wheatcroft and Edith May Munson
- Wheatley Chart 0100 Ivor Frank Wheatley and Doris Maud Ward
- Wheaton
Chart 0900 Thomas Wheaton/Wheatley, Ann(e) Sparow and Elizabeth Harop
- Wheaton
Chart 0800 William Wheaton/Wheatley, Mary Mackness and
Elesebeth/Elizabeth Whittelse/Whittlesey
- Wheaton Chart 0801 Angel Wheaton and Elizabeth ???
- Wheaton
Chart 0700 William Wheaton, Rebecca Church and Ann Gunton
- Wheaton
Chart 0701 John Wheaton, Jane White, Phoebe Deere/Beere and John Todd
- Wheaton
Chart 0702 Robert Wheaton and Catherine White
- Wheaton
Chart 0703 Philip Wheaton, Elizabeth Piggott and Ann James
- Wheaton Chart 0704 Angel Wheaton and Mary Leake
- Wheaton
Chart 0600 Thomas Wheaton and Mary Seekings
- Wheaton
Chart 0601 William Wheaton and Rebecca Wheaton
- Wheaton
Chart 0602 Robert Wheaton and Mary Green
- Wheaton
Chart 0603 Philip Wheaton, Elizabeth Beck, Sarah (Ann) Dunham, William
Sharpe, and Ephraim Easey or Easea
- Wheaton
Chart 0604 John Wheaton and Alice Bradley
- Wheaton/Prior
Chart 0605 Richard Wheaton, Mary Beldam and Henry Prior
- Wheaton
Chart 0606 Daniel Wheaton and Ann Mehew
- Wheaton
Chart 0607 Joseph Wheaton, Mary/Martha ??? and Elizabeth Wilson
- Wheaton
Chart 0608 William Wheaton and ???
- Wheaton Chart 0609 William Wheaton, Ann
Stokely, Elizabeth/Betsey Madcap/Medcap/Metcalf
- Wheaton Chart 0610 Robert Wheaton, Rebecca Beck/West and Elizabeth Southwell
- Wheaton Chart 0611 Isaac Wheaton, Eliza Young and Charles Halford
- Wheaton Chart 0612 John Wheaton, Ann Coxe Stevens and Joseph Hamey
- Wheaton Chart 0613 Thomas James Wheaton and Drusilla
Chart 0500 William Wheaton and Ann Aspinall
- Wheaton
Chart 0501 Robert Wheaton, Margaret Scott Parker and George West
- Wheaton
Chart 0502 Robert Wheaton and Mary Benton
- Wheaton
Chart 0503 John Wheaton and Jane Huckle
- Wheaton
Chart 0504 John Wheaton, Selina Seawell and Susan Caroline Hillesden
- Wheaton
Chart 0505 Joseph Wheaton and Sophia Sturman
- Wheaton
Chart 0506 Samuel Wheaton and Alice Woolard
- Wheaton
Chart 0507 William Wheaton, Ann Searjant and ??? Martin
- Wheaton
Chart 0508 George (Dunham) Wheaton and Eliza Banks
- Wheaton
Chart 0509 Denis/Dennis (E) Wheaton and Alice M Banks
- Wheaton
Chart 0510 Charles (Henry) Wheaton and Anna "Annie" Lydia
- Wheaton
Chart 0511 Robert (A) Wheaton, Betsey O Graves and Isaac E Lone
- Wheaton
Chart 0512 Leonard (A) Wheaton, Rose Bush and Joseph Thomas Dooer
- Wheaton
Chart 0513 Thomas Wheaton, Harriet (Ann) Watson and John Arnold
- Wheaton
Chart 0514 Bradley Wheaton, Mary Ann Sealey Foote and Thomas Press
- Wheaton
Chart 0515 Charley/Charles Wheaton, Hannah/Ann Dickerson and Thomas
- Wheaton
Chart 0516 Philip Wheaton and Mary Arnott
- Wheaton Chart 0517 ??? and Rebecca Wheaton
- Wheaton Chart 0518 Thomas Wheaton and Rebecca Taylor
- Wheaton Chart 0519 John Wheaton and Eliza Louisa Maxey
- Wheaton Chart 0520 George Young Wheaton, Anne Matthews and Flora Rubenia Stuart
- Wheaton/Ryder Chart 0521 John Wheaton, Sarah Clarke and Joseph Ryder or Rider
- Wheaton Chart 0522 Frederick Wheaton, Maggie ??? and Nina ???
- Wheaton Chart 0523 Frederick J Wheaton and Mary Blackman
- Wheaton Chart 0524 Thomas J Wheaton and
Olive (Ollie) Harris
Chart 0400 Phillip Wheaton and Emma Hyde
- Wheaton
Chart 0401 Thomas Wheaton and Susan Turner
- Wheaton
Chart 0402 Henry Wheaton and Ellen Moulds
- Wheaton
Chart 0403 Phillip Wheaton, Annie Cracknell and Alice Unwin
- Wheaton
Chart 0404 Henry Wheaton and Sarah Ann Barlow
- Wheaton
Chart 0405 Charles Wheaton, Louisa Hopkins, James Thomas Kerry and Ellen Torry or Tosby
- Wheaton
Chart 0406 George (William) Wheaton and Elizabeth Long
- Wheaton
Chart 0407 John Frederick Wheaton and Alice Scott
- Wheaton
Chart 0408 Alfred Ernest Wheaton and Emma Feakes
- Wheaton/O'Connor
Chart 0409 Nobel Watson or Noble Wheaton, Clara Carpenter and
John O'Connor
- Wheaton/Jude
Chart 0410 Charles Jude, Emily Mary Wheaton and ???
- Wheaton
Chart 0411 Alfred Wheaton, Louisa Bidwell, Joseph William Wheaton and
Emma Wheaton
- Wheaton
Chart 0412 Henry William Wheaton, Jane Wesson and Martha Tann
- Wheaton
Chart 0413 Herbert Austin Wheaton and Eliza Ann Burgess
- Wheaton
Chart 0414 Joseph Wheaton and Hannah Johnston
- Wheaton
Chart 0415 William Wheaton and Rebecca Green
- Wheaton
Chart 0416 (Thomas) Arthur Wheaton, Emma Catlett, Emma Rose and
Robert Mouat
- Wheaton
Chart 0417 William Wheaton and Jane Sheppard
- Wheaton
Chart 0418 Laura Harriet/Harriett Laura Wheaton/Arnold and
- Wheaton
Chart 0419 John Wheaton and Ann Perkins
- Wheaton
Chart 0420 Albert E Wheaton, Mary May Pierce White and Anna McLeod
- Wheaton
Chart 0421 Harry S or N Wheaton and Ethel Jones
- Wheaton
Chart 0422 Charles Wheaton and Clara or Annie Livermore
- Wheaton Chart 0423 (William) Louis) Wheaton and Margaret Catherine Jordan
- Wheaton Chart 0424 John Columbus Wheaton and Emma Elizabeth Lohse
- Wheaton Chart 0425 Howell Wheaton, Wilhelmina "Amelia" Lohse and Caroine "Carrie" Augusta Amelia Severitt
- Wheaton Chart 0426 David A Wheaton and Elizabeth "Betty" Jane Linebarger
- Wheaton Chart 0427 John Thomas Wheaton, Rebecca ???, Alice Geneva Spittler and Richard Bedford (Dick) Cadd
- Wheaton Chart 0428 George W Wheaton and Louvisia Hiatt
- Wheaton Chart 0429 Ellis John Wheaton, Eleanor An Kittridge and John Frederick Dalton
- Wheaton Chart 0430 Harold Clinton Wheaton and
Ethel L Ring
- Wheaton Chart 0431 Thomas Wheaton, Elizabeth Lucker or Tucker and Emma Jane Campion
- Wheaton/ Dare Chart 0432 Phoebe Wheaton, ??? and Ed Dare
- Wheaton Chart 0433 William Clarke Wheaton and Nettie Hunt
- Wheaton Chart 0434 George Ernest Wheaton and Cecilia Young
- Wheaton Chart 0435 John Edward Wheaton and Ellen Suffiah
"Nell" Haskell
- Wheaton Chart 0436 Harris Hoover Wheaton and Tressie Pigg
- Wheaton Chart 0437 William Wheaton and Rachel Rhoda Chamberlain
Chart 0300 Ernest Wheaton, Beatrice Jackson, William Henry Miller and Lily
Sara Dick
- Wheaton
Chart 0301 Edward Wheaton and Winifred Maud Bunnage
- Wheaton
Chart 0302 Peter Wheaton and Florence Ada Lavender
- Wheaton
Chart 0303 Albert Edward Wheaton and Lily May Clark
- Wheaton Chart 0304 Bertram Wheaton and Florence Lisle
- Wheaton Chart 0305 Philip Wheaton and Margaret Hudson Forster
- Wheaton Chart 0306 Cyril Armitage Burgess Wheaton and Edith Hilda Rouse
- Wheaton Chart 0307 Cyril
"Sonnie" Wheaton and Annie Macrow
- Wheaton Chart 0308 John Wheaton and Jessie Turner
- Wheaton Chart 0309 Charles Wheaton and Ada Ann Gilbert
- Wheaton Chart 0310 Bernard Wheaton and Hilda May Southerland
- Wheaton Chart 0311 Leonard Wheaton and Beatrice Emeline Peck
- Wheaton Chart 0312 Arthur John Wheaton and Elsie E Burrows
- Wheaton Chart 0313 Clifford Jaggard and Winifred Wheaton
- Wheaton Chart 0314 Noble Leonard Wheaton and Rose R Harradine
- Wheaton/Rowe/Smith Chart 0315 Frederick John Wheaton,
Emily Rowe, Harry Smith and ???
- Wheaton Chart 0316 Frederick Ernest Wheaton and Kathleen Frances Costigan
- Wheaton Chart 0317 George Wheaton and Violet May Florence Collins
- Wheaton Chart 0318 William Thomas Wheaton and Jessie (Maud?) Selby
- Wheaton Chart 0319 Ernest Charles Sidney Wheaton, Mary Helena Skinner and
Fred Rackley
- Wheaton Chart 0320 John Francis George Wheaton and Mabel Selina Aldeman
- Wheaton Chart 0321 Paul Augustus Bertie Wheaton
or Francis Wheaton and Florence Maud Lowe
- Wheaton Chart 0322 William Albert Stanley Wheaton and Nellie Louisa Leach
- Wheaton Chart 0323 Max Faudel Ednam Wheaton and Edith Ellen
- Wheaton Chart 0324 James Wheaton and Ethel May Herbert
- Wheaton Chart 0325 William George Wheaton and Clara Rachel Wisbey
- Wheaton Chart 0326 Cecil William Wheaton and Mona Wilkins
- Wheaton Chart 0327 ???, Eva Wheaton and William J Akam
- Wheaton Chart 0328 ???, Alice Edith Wheaton and Bertie A Tabner
- Wheaton Chart 0329 Albert D Wheaton and Callie ???
- Wheaton Chart 0330 Howard Bronsome Wheaton and Daisy Elizabeth ???
- Wheaton Chart 0331 Floyd Haskell Wheaton and Grace Kilburn Meigs
- Wheaton Chart 0332 Frank Eugene Wheaton and Margueritte J ???
- Wheaton Chart 0333 John Alexander Wheaton and Dona Belle Hutson
- Wheaton/Black Chart 0334 Christian Lawrence Wheaton, Mytle Jane Williamson, Nellie B Vaughan, Grace Ruby McCollum and Otto Black
- Wheaton Chart 0335 Harold Joseph Wheaton and Winifred Ursula Evans
- Wheaton Chart 0336 Harry Wheaton and Hattie L Kemper
- Wheaton Chart 0337 Henry Rudolf Wheaton and Golda Newman
- Wheaton Chart 0338 Thomas William Wheaton and Laura Latina/Lintena/Luitena Alms
- Wheaton Chart 0339 Charles Wheaton and Flora Caroline Koerner
- Wheaton Chart 0340 Herbert Wheaton, and Clara May Paulson
- Wheaton Chart 0341 Stewart Thomas Wheaton, Dorothy Victoria Roblee and Violet Jean Turnbull
- Wheaton Chart 0342 George W Wheaton and
- Wheaton Chart 0343 William Thomas Wheaton and Sarah Mary (May) Ede
- Wheaton Chart 0344 Roy Wheaton and Lillian Devigne Harre
Chart 0200 Eric William Wheaton, Gladys May Cross,
Harold Victor Cross and Gladys Emily Williams
- Wheeler Chart 0401 George Thomas Wheeler and Emily Eliza Attrill
- Wheeler Chart 0300 George Wheeler and Elizabeth Germain
- Wheeler Chart 0301 Sydney Wheeler and Lilly Jane Davis
- Wheeler Chart 0302 Reginald Joseph Wheeler and Dorothy Maud Amelia Onyett
- Wheeler/Overton Chart 0200
Frederick George Wheeler, Mary Elizabeth (Overtun) Overton, ??? and ???
- Wheels Chart 0400 Henry Wheels and Sarah Jane Dackombe
- Whineray Chart 1000 John Whineray and Bridget Carter
- Whineray Chart 0900 Samuel Whineray and Hannah ???
- Whineray Chart 0800 John Whineray and Mary
(Mason) Mayson
- Whineray Chart 0700 Samuel Whineray and Hannah Casson
- Whineray Chart 0701 William Mason Whineray and Hannah
- Whineray Chart 0702 John Whineray and Sarah
- Whineray Chart 0600 Samuel Whineray and Agnes Tyson
- Whineray Chart 0601 John Whineray and Eleanor Sharpe
- Whineray Chart 0602 Robert Whineray and
Isabella (Elizabeth) Dobson
- Whineray Chart 0603 Samuel Whineray, Mary Hannah Phizacklea, Elizabeth Singleton
- Whineray Chart 0604 Joseph James Whineray and Mary Eleanor Postlethwaite
- Whineray Chart 0605 John Whineray, Lucy Buckingham, Rachel ??? and ??? Hesketh
- Whineray Chart 0606 John Whineray and Ann
- Whineray Chart 0500 John Casson Whineray and Ada Caroline Viney
- Whineray Chart 0501 Thomas Whineray and Lily Dyson
- Whineray Chart 0502 Robert Dobson Whineray, Dorothy Tyson and ???
- Whineray Chart 0503 Sidney Buckingham Whineray and Edith Annie Stockford
- Whineray Chart 0504 Hugh Casson Whineray, Sarah Ann Isaac, William Halewood and Richard James Clarke
- Whineray Chart 0505 John William Whineray and Rachel Margaret Hulbert
- Whipple Chart 0300 Albert Fellows Whipple and Mariah Elizabeth Carter
- Whipple Chart 0301 William Mickle Whipple and Polly Ann Carter
- Whipple/Pitts Chart 0200 Dewey Albert Whipple,
Jennie Smith, Ruth McKean, Mardela Carter, Kate Wade, Esther Jane Muth and
Harry Leroy Pitts
- Whipple Chart 0201 William Dominicus Whipple and Myrtle McDowell
- Whitaker Chart 0400 Thomas Whitaker and Ellen Jane Elbel
- Whitaker Chart 0100 Harold (Harry) Reginald Whitaker and Maud Winifred Cobbold
- Whitall Chart 0200 Ernest Henry Whitall and Nellie Frances Spooner
- Whitbourne Chart 0501 William Whitbourne and Sarah Stemp
- Whitby Chart 0500 Charles Emmanuel Whitby and Elizabeth R
- Whitby Chart 0400 (Charles) Reuben Whitby, Annie Elizabeth Hyde, Charles Edward Richardson and Ellen (Nellie) Elizabeth
- Whitby Chart 0401 Ernest William Whitby and Hilda Jane Hyde
Chart 0700 Simon White and Sarah ???
- White Chart 0701 William
White and Sarah Cock
- White Chart 0702 Robert White and Sarah Cross
- White Chart 0501 James Stephen White and Harriet ???
- White Chart 0400 George White and Fanny (Mountstephen)? Legg
- White Chart 0401 Frederick White and and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Stemp
- White Chart 0402 George Benjamin H White and Lillie Alford
- White Chart 0403 Joseph Thomas White and Harriet Habgood
- White Chart 0300 John White and Mary Ann Overtun
- White/Price Chart 0301 Arthur White, Ellen Wheaton and Samuel Price
- White Chart 0302 William Henry Oldfield White and Julia Elizabeth Dackombe
- White Chart 0304 Murray R White and Helen Elizabeth "Betty" Price
- White Chart 0305 John Walwyn White and Emily Betsey Dadley
- White Chart 0306 Thomas White and Ann Amelia Jarrett
- White Chart 0307 Frederick George Henry White and and Edna Ivy Dormody
- White Chart 0308 Joseph (Joe) White and Kathleen (Kitty) Downing
- White Chart 0309 William Bert White and Mabel Durbridge
- White Chart 0310 George White and Mary Lassetter
- White Chart 0311 Harry William White and Alice Jane Muggeridge
- White Chart 0200 Arthur
White and Dorothy Dackombe
- White Chart 0201 Harold Percy White and Mary Hannah Sandiford
- White Chart 0202 Clarence Silvanus White and Emily Sitters
- White Chart 0203 Norman George White and Phoebe Florence Prater
- White Chart 0204 Leonard Overton White, Lucy Mary Spencer and Alice Amelia Cranfield
- White Chart 0205 John Henry White, Mary Bethia Meek and ???
- White/Muggridge Chart 0206
Frederick Edgar White, Elise Ireland, William Charles Muggridge and
Lizzie Eleanor Smith
- White Chart 0207 Stanley Arthur White and Ethel Catherine Chitty
- White Chart 0100 Leonard Spencer White and Harriet Mary Upton
- Whitear Chart 0300 Henry William Whitear and Mildred Rose Rumph
- Whitehead Chart 0500 Thomas Ward Whitehead, Martha Elderton and Barnard Leonard Whitehead
- Whitehead Chart 0400 John Whitehead, Elizabeth Jane Palmer, Elizabeth Morton, Eleanor Elicabeth (Eliza) Turner and Henry William Edridge
- Whitehead Chart 0300 Arthur "Stanley" E S Whitehead and Emily Eliza Wheaton
- Whitehead Chart 0301 Robert Whitehead and Eliza Jane Brayshaw
- Whitehead Chart 0312 Ambrose Augustus Whitehead and florence Bertioli
- Whitehouse Chart 0500 William Whitehouse and Sarah Prudence Livett
- Whiting Chart 0400 James Whiting and Charlotte Mansbridge
- Whiting Chart 0300 James Whiting and Ann Cheesmore
- Whitington Chart 0300 James Peachy Whitington Susan Lassetter, Constance Courtney and Fanny Lewis
- Whitlock Chart 0500 James Whitlock and Sarah Ann Simpson
- Whitlock Chart 0400 George Whitlock and Elizabeth Fielder
- Whitlock Chart 0401 Charles Whitlock and Amelia Susannah Wilkie
- Whitmarsh Chart 0200 Harry
Edward Whitmarsh and Maud Stemp
- Whitmore Chart 0300 Thomas Whitmore and Martha Barlow
- Whitney Chart 0700 Thomas Whitney and
Ann Morgan
- Whitney Chart 0600 Thomas Whitney and Mary Morgan
- Whitney Chart 0500 William
Whitney and Martha Lilwall
- Whitney Chart 0501 James Whitney and Emma Pugh
- Whitney Chart 0400 Henry Whitney and Elizabeth ???
- Whitney Chart 0401 Edwin Charles Whitney, Anne Cook Sanders and Christiana Marshall Johnnson
- Whitney Chart 0402 William Whitney, Harriet Matey and Mary Green
- Whitney Chart 0403 James Whitney and Emma
- Whitney Chart 0404 John Whitney and Caroline Mattey
- Whitney Chart 0300 Henry Albert Whitney and Lydia Louisa Cooper
- Whitney Chart 0301 George Whitney and Agnes Taylor Gallimore
- Whitney Chart 0302 Robert Whitney and Emily Mary A Dawkins
- Whitney Chart 0303 Reginald William George Whitney and Alice Maud Russell
- Whitney Chart 0304 Edgar Lilwall Whitney and Alice Deen
- Whitney Chart 0305 Cecil John Whitney and Jane Griffith Shaw
- Whitney Chart 0306 Harry Whitney, Ellen Tredgold and ???
- Whitney Chart 0307 William Holman Whitney and Louisa White
- Whitney Chart 0200 Reginald Edward Whitney and Beatrice Austin
- Whitney Chart 0201 Harold Arthur Whitney and Violet Olive Parkinson
- Whitsey Chart 0600 John Whitsey and Elizabeth/Eliza Richardson
- Whitsey Chart 0500 Benjamin Whitsey and Jane Onyett
- Whitsey Chart 0400 Emmanuel Whitsey and Emily Louisa Norman
- Whittle Chart 0400 William George Whittle and Ellen Habgood
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 1100 Robert Whittlesey/Whittlesee and Bridget ???
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 1000 John
Whittlesee/Whittlesey/Whitlesey and Ann Papworth
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0900 Robert Whittlesey/Whitlesie/Whittlese and Catherine/Catern/Katern Angel
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0800 Richard Whittlese/Whittlesey and Mary Eakins
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0801 William Whittlese/Whittlesey and Mary Peakes
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0700 William Whittlesey/ Whittlesay and
Susanna Burton
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0701 Robert Whittlesey and Elizabeth White
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0702 John Whittlesey and Ann Lant
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0600 William Whittlesey/Whittlesea/ Whittlesay and Elizabeth
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0601 Robert Whittlesay and Sarah ???
- Whittlesea (and variants) Chart 0602 Robert Whittlesea, Mary Wheaton and Catherine Fuller
- Whittlesey (and variants)/Hudson Chart 0603 John Hudson, Jane Whittlesey and ???
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0500 Thomas Whittlesey/Whittlesea and Mary Naylor
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0501 William Whittlesea, ??? and Eliza Dockerill
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0502 Robert Whittlesay and Martha
Ann Durrant
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0503 William Whittlesay and
Martha Cordell
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0504 Joseph Whittlesay and Harriet Johnson
- Whittlesey/Whittlesea (and
variants)/Brown Chart 0505
John Whittlesey/Whittlesea, Charlotte Jane Web and Selina Read, Samuel B Brown and Sarah
Parish Dalton
- Whittlesea (and variants) Chart 0506 William Whittlesea and Elizabeth ???
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0400 Thomas Frederick/Frederick Thomas Whittlesea/Whittlesey and Sarah Naylor
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0401 Joseph Naylor Whittlesea and Minnie Elizabeth Field
- Whittlesey/Whittlesea (and
variants) Chart 0402 William Whittlesea and Jane
- Whittlesey/Whjttlesea (and
variants) Chart 0403 Thomas Whittlesea and Elizabeth Louisa Parish
- Whittlesey/Whittlesea (and
variants)/Parsloe Chart 0404
Robert John (Whittlesea) Whittlesey, Matilda Highams. Minnie Hicks and Charles
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0405 Charles Whittlesay and Ellen King
- Whittlesey (and
variants) Chart 0406 Joseph Whittlesay and Maria Louisa Cartwright
- Whittlesey (and
variants) Chart 0407 Joseph Henry Whittlesay and Celia Annie
(Tebia Annay) (Josephine) Hammond
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0408 William Whittlesay and Mary
Ann Whitear
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0409 Frederick Whittlesay, Lucy Pugsley and ???
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0300 William Whittlesey and Emily Hannah Lee
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0301 Thomas Whittlesey and Mabel
Mary Plumb
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0302
William Crowden
Whittlesey and Catherine (Kate) Copeland
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0303 Frederick John
Whittlesey and Eveline Groves
- Whittlesey (and
variants)/Willmott Chart 0304
Thomas Whittlesey, Hannah Gunnell and Alfred Willmott
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0305 Arthur Whittlesey and Charlotte Hellewell
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0306 William Thomas James Whittlesey and
Charlotte Amelia Hyatt
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0307 Arthur Charles Whittlesay and Alice Kirkby
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0308 Harry Robert Whittlesay and Florence Caroline Wilkins
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0309 Herbert Henry Whittlesay and Emeline Caroline Hobden
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0310 Joseph Whittlesay and Emma Saberton
- Whittlesey (and
variants) Chart 0311 William George Whittlesay and Alice Lewis Castagnioli
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0312 William Johnson Whittlesea and Florence Upfield
- Whittlesey (and
variants) Chart 0313 Walter Whittlesea, Mabel Dorothy Wagland and Olive Mary Cummings
- Whittlesey (and variants)
Chart 0314 Albert Whittlesea and Mabel Harris
- Whittlesey (and variants)
Chart 0315 Charles Whittlesea and Catherine Frances Brown
- Whittlesey (and variants) Chart 0316 Albert Edward Whittlesay and Flossie Cecelia Hammond
- Whitton Chart 0400 Charles Joseph Whitton and Florence Ada Mann
- Whitworth Chart 0400 Francis Whitworth and Ann Marples
- Whyman Chart 0300 John Whyman, Frances ??? and Alice Whitehead
- Whyman Chart 0200 Frank Whyman and Dorothy
- Whyman Chart 0101 Patrick Whyman and Florence Tomlinson
- Wickenden Chart 0400 Charles Wickenden and Martha Ann Rigden
- Wickens Chart 0400 Horace Edward Wickens and Katie (Kate) (Levington) Lewington
- Wickens Chart 0300 Thomas Wickens and Eliza
Ann Jelley
- Wickens Chart 0301 Caleb Joseph Wickens and Eleanor T Grey
- Wickens Chart 0302 William Harold Wickens and Ada Mandeville
- Wicker Chart 0500 George Wicker and Emily Nichols
- Wicker Chart 0400 Alfred Henry Wicker, Sarah Beaty, Annie Louisa Stemp, ???, Alfred Ruffle, Sarah Ann Stovold, Richard Henry Ruffle, Florence Esther Steer and Frederick Charles Squires
- Wicker Chart 0401 John William Wicker and Eleanor Gravett
- Wicker Chart 0402 James Peter Wicker and Martha Dine
- Wicker/Smithers Chart 0300 James Smithers, Fanny Fullick and Alfred Henry Wicker
- Wicker Chart 0301 Henry (Harry) Arthur Wicker and Edith Annie Newman
- Wicker Chart 0302 Sydney Charles Wicker and Matilda Davis
- Wicker Chart 0303 Christopher Alfred Wicker and Maud Phillis Beard
- Wicker Chart 0304 James Henry Wicker and Harriett Grace Newall
- Wickham Chart 0600 Michael Wickham and Mary
- Wickham Chart 0500 Charles Thomas Wickham and Rosina Salt
- Wickham Chart 0400 Arthur Gordon Wickham and Charity Eliza Stemp
- Wickham Chart 0300 David Benedict Wickham, Ann Hoyt Battles and N Carter Hammond
- Wieder Chart 0300 Englebert Wieder and Annie Bence
- Wiegold Chart 0400 Henry John Wiegold and Catherine (Kate) Gibbons Piddock
- Wiegold Chart 0300 Henry Wiegold and Mary Ann Adelaide Redgrave
- Wiegold Chart 0200 Henry Frank Wiegold and Iris Eileen Marjorie Jeater
- Wiegold Chart 0201 Walter John Wiegold and Elizabeth Roberts
- Wiggins Chart 0300 Joseph Richard Wiggins and Sarah Arnold
- Wigglesworth Chart 0300 Joseph Framley Wigglesworth and Alice
- Wightman Chart 0300 William Wightman and Grace Annie Piggott
- Wilcox Chart 0400 Walter Wilcox and Ethel Ellen Keeping
- Wilcox Chart 0300 John Wilcox and Agnes Flora Madeline Bowring
- Wild Chart 0200 Kenneth
T Wild and Ruby Noreen Fielding
- Wiley Chart 0300 James Wiley and Julia Selina Karn
- Wilkes Chart 0400 Albert William Edward Wilkes and Nellie Maud Warwick
- Wilkes/Edwards Chart 0401
Henry Edgar Wilkes, Beatrice Seymour, Joseph William Edwards and Doris May Lock
- Wilkins Chart 0400 George Wilkins and Emma Trim
Wilkins Chart 0300 Willie James Wilkins and (Maria)
Jane Cobb
Wilkins Chart 0301 Thomas James Wilkins and Emma Amelia Stemp
Wilkins Chart 0200 Edmund George Stemp Wilkins and Elizabeth
Jane Newby
Wilkins Chart 0201 Arthur Thomas Wilkins, Florence
Evelyn Bray, Violet Maggie Jones, Herbert Thomas Coker and Alex T Cowie
Wilkins Chart 0203 Henry (Harry) Edward Wilkins and Lily Violet Griggs
Wilkins Chart 0101 Henry William Wilkins and Ellen Maud Perrett
Wilkinson Chart 0401 Albert Ernest Wilkinson and Flora Sophia Emma Stemp
Wilkinson Chart 0700 Robert Wilkinson and Mary Ann Dring
Wilkinson Chart 0600 George Henry Wilkinson and Elizabeth ???
Wilkinson Chart 0202 Francis Cecil Wilkinson and Phyllis Vokes
Wilkinson Chart 0100 John B Wilkinson and Linda A Hume
Wilks Chart 0400 John Herny Wilks and Alice Ellen Killick
Willard Chart 0300 Frank Richard William Willard and Alice Victoria Buckland
- Willard Chart 0200 Charles Samuel Willard and Anna Alice (Annie) Hannah Carter
- Willard Chart 0201 Charles Willard and Rose Ann Culver
- Willcock Chart 0500 William Willcock and Jane Snashall
- Willcock Chart 0400 William Henry Willcock and Elizabeth Moody
- Willcock Chart 0401 John Joseph Willcock and Susan Page
- Willcock Chart 0300 Alfred Ernest Willcock and Himalaya (Ellen) Sadler
- Willey Chart 0200 Jack Willey and Elizabeth Sharp
- Williams Chart 0500 James Williams and Ann Lee
- Williams Chart 0400 Edward William Williams and Jane Smith Adams
- Williams Chart 0401
Elias Henry Williams and Minnie Kathleen Cobb
- Williams Chart 0403 Frederick Williams and Eliza Simpson
- Williams/Stemp Chart 0404 John Williams/Stemp and Nellie Whitmarsh
- Williams Chart 0405 John Williams and Margaret Simmons
- Williams/Saxton Chart 0406 John Thomas Saxton, Edna Rosina Goddard and John Samuel Williams
- Williams Chart 0301 Alexander Williams and Vida Jane Snell
- Williams Chart 0302 George Williams and Mary Ann Knowler
- Williams Chart 0303 Stanley Arthur Williams and Rose (Rosa) Avory
- Williams Chart 0304 John Thomas Williams and Rose Langdon Stribling
- Williams Chart 0306 George
Frederick Williams, Emma (Downey) Hinksman and Annie Darley Innes
- Williams Chart 0307 George Foster Williams and Caroline S Boys
- Williams/Twigg Chart 0308 Percival Bright Williams, France Anne Koowoona Evezard, James Hamilton Twigg and Alice Bradshaw
- Williams
Chart 0200 Jonathan Frederick Ebenezer Williams and Gladys
- Williams Chart 0201 Ernest Williams and Elsie H Botterell
Williamson Chart 0402 James Francis Williamson and Eliza Angood
Williamson Chart 0300 Thomas John Williamson and Louisa Alice Dimes
Willingham Chart 0700 William Willingham and Elizabeth Layte
Willis Chart 0600 Charles Willis, Sarah Durnford and Martha Dacombe
Willis Chart 0501 Edward Willis and Mary Riley
Willis Chart 0502 John Edward Willis, Ellen Dolphin and
Martha Raby Swift
Willis Chart 0503 William Willis and Emma Fletcher
Willis Chart 0504 James Willis and Anna (Annie) Mary Bennett
Willis Chart 0505 George Willis and Mary Jane Day
Willis Chart 0506 Sidney Willis and Sabina Caroline Belt
Willis Chart 0507 Alfred Willis and Eliza Jane Willis
Willis Chart 0400 Frederick John Willis and Elizabeth Mary Jury
Willis Chart 0401 John Willis and Sophia Perry
Willis Chart 0402 Alfred George Willis and Ethel Mary Langtree
Willis/Harris Chart 0403 George Willis, Asenath Kellaway
and Frank Harris
Willis Chart 0300 Thomas Willis, Ellen (Constance Munson and Jessie Maud Leader
Willis Chart 0301 Joseph Willis and Susannah Lanham
Willis Chart 0303 Cyril Willis and Ethel Laura Stemp
Willis Chart 0305 Edward Victor Willis and Rhoda Kate Stemp
Willis Chart 0309 Frederick George Willis and Elizabeth Wetjen
Willoughby Chart 1500 Sir Henry Willoughby and Jane ???
Willmott/Davis Chart 0300 Walter Harold Willmott, Ellen (Nellie) Bertha Elliott and Percy Augustus Davis
Wilner Chart 0300 Jonathan Wilner and Frances E E (Fanny) Jeffries
Wilshire (Wilshere) Chart 0300 Charles (Wilshere) Wilshire, Lucy Poulton and ???
Wilshire (Wilshere) Chart 0200 Richard Thomas (Wilshere) Wilshire and Hannah Smith
Wilson Chart 0600 Hannah Whineray, William Wilson and Agnes ???
- Wilson Chart 0500 Robert Wilson and Jane "Jennie" Dring
- Wilson Chart 0501 Joseph Wilson, Betsey Powers, Eliza Jane Leeden, Sarah Ann Miller and ???
- Wilson Chart 0502 Joseph Wilson,
Ann Hall and ???
- Wilson Chart 0400 Lestor Orwell Wilson and Mary Eleanor Whaley
- Wilson Chart 0401 William Wilson and Martha Utteridge
- Wilson Chart 0402 Duncan Wilson and Sarah Hayler
- Wilson Chart 0403 William Wilson and Mary Ann Skinner
- Wilson Chart 0300 Thomas Henry Wilson and Esther Stemp
- Wilson Chart 0301 William T Wilson and Dorothy Mabel Wheaton
- Wilson Chart 0302 John Richard Wilson and Florence Sophia Hill
- Wilson Chart 0200 Frederick William John
Wilson and Emily Keetch
- Wilson Chart 0201 Walter Francis Wilson Alice Louisa Austin and Florence Mary A Hackett
- Wilson Chart 0202 George Stanley Wilson and Doris Elsie Jones
- Wilson Chart 0203 Sidney Arthur Wilson and Mabel Thomson
- Wilson Chart 0204 Eric William Wilson and Edith Emily Hepworth
- Wilson Chart 0001 Robert Wilson and Jeanette (Netta) Larkbey
- Wilton Chart 0400 Augustus John Wilton, Elizabeth Hogben and Martha Hickinbothan
Chart 0300 George Edwin Wilton and Matilda Jane
- Wilton Chart 0301 Thomas Frank Wilton and Mary Ann (Polly) Masters
- Wilton Chart 0302 William Henry Wilton and Edith Carter
- Wilton Chart 0303 Frederick Percy Wilton and Lizzie Norman
Chart 0200 Frederick Charles George Wilton and
Winifred Jessie Ruth Cobb
- Wilton Chart 0201 Frederick George Wilton and Agnes Mercy Waller
- Wimsett Chart 0300
John Charles Wimsett and Edith Harrison
- Wimsett Chart 0200
Stanley Frank Wimsett, Winifred Maitland, Horace Jasper Excell and
Kate Hickmott
- Winchcombe Chart 0200 Charles Winchcombe and Florence Bessie Blackman
- Winchcombe Chart 0100 Ernest Frederick Winchcombe and Emily Victoria May Sturgeon
- Winchcombe Chart 0101 Charles Chrissie Winchcombe and Olive Grace Day
- Windsor Chart 0500 Mark Windsor, Hannah Cobb, Julia Wells Wellstead
- Wingfield Chart 0400 Hanry George Eden Wingfield and Cecilia Finetta Bertioli
- Winnals Chart 0200 George Winnals and Joyce Jeffries
- Winnington Chart 0100
Reginald Peter S Winnington and Muriel E L Grigg
- Winsall Chart 0300 Alfred Winsall and Ellen Elizabeth (Nellie) Stemp
- Winstanley Chart 0300 Herbert Winstanley and Lucy Cousins
- Winter Chart 0300 Allen Winter and Annie Stemp
- Winter Chart 0200 Edward Frederick Winter and Delcie May Stedman
- Winter Chart 0201 Ron
Winter and Queenie Sladden
- Winter Chart 0202
Albert C Winter, Gladys Elizabeth Fuller and William John Ceasar
- Wise Chart 0400 Henry Arthur Wise and Violet Daisy Cooksey
- Wiseman Chart 0600 Thomas Wiseman and Esther ???
- Wishart/Heaton Chart 0300 Sidney Wishart, Elsie Mary Bridge, Albert Edward Heaton and Elsie Florence May Donavan
- Witherden Chart 0500
George Witherden and Elizabeth Solley
- Witherden Chart 0300
George Albert Witherden and Rosa Wade
- Witherden Chart 0200
George Witherden and Elise Wright
- Witherden Chart 0201
Arthur Sidney Witherden and Eleanor Charlotte "Nellie"
- Witheford Chart 0402 Harry Edward Witheford and Edna May Bushell
- Withers Chart 0500 George Withers and Mary Ann Churchman
- Withers Chart 0400 George Withers and Mary Ann Sheryer
- Withers Chart 0401 Frank Withers and Mary Jane Oliver
- Witherspoon Chart 0301 Robert Witherspoon and Frances Colyer
- Withy Chart 0400 Albert Ernest Withy and Florence Clinker
- Wond Chart 0300 Fritz William Robert Wond and Emma Chitty
Chart 0500 William Wood and Mary Stemp
- Wood Chart 0501 John Wood and Milly Stemp
- Wood Chart 0502 Harry Wood and Sarah Harriet Barnard
- Wood Chart 0503 Henry Wood and Jane Jeal
- Wood Chart 0400 George Daniel Wood and Elizabeth Ann Danton
- Wood Chart 0401 Henry Alfred Wood and Eliza Tickner
- Wood Chart 0402 Edwin Wood and Elizabeth Stemp
- Wood Chart 0403 William John Wood and Sarah (Seal) Jeal
- Wood Chart 0404 Edward Wood,
Harriett ??? and Harriet ???
- Wood Chart 0300 George J Wood and Annie Davis
- Wood Chart 0300 Emmett
Tillman Wood and Florence Mary Cobb
- Wood Chart 0301 Alfred Wood and Amelia Jiggins
- Wood Chart 0302 George Wood and Florence Matilda Dackombe
- Wood Chart 0303 Harry Edmund Wood and Adeline Wilkinson Catt
- Wood Chart 0304 Bertie Charles Wood and Margaret Lily March
- Wood Chart 0305 George Wood and Louisa Preston
- Wood Chart 0306 Thomas Wood and Betsey Brecknell
- Wood Chart 0307 Harry Wood and Mary Ann O'Brien
- Wood Chart 0308 Harry H Wood and Alice Edith Stemp
- Wood Chart 0310 Thomas Jennings Wood and Mary Ann Rosetta Barr
- Wood Chart 0311 Bertram Francis Wood and Ada May Barr
- Wood Chart 0312 Nelson Frederick Wood and Ellen Florence Buckland
- Wood Chart 0313 John Joseph Lazonby Wood and Robina Livesey Edmondson
- Wood Chart 0314 George Wood and Emma Hewett
- Wood Chart 0200 Edward Henry (Harry) Wood, Harriett Bourne and Margaret Jordan
- Wood(s) Chart 0201 Harry (Henry) James Woods and Annie Hammond
- Wood Chart 0202 Emmet Evertett Wood and Lena May Adams
- Wood Chart 0203 Percy Harold Wood and Edith Harriett Elsey
- Wood(s) Chart 0204 Arthur Harold Wood(s) and Muriel Violet Kathleen Harrison
- Wood Chart 0205 Walter
Wilfred Jesse Cannon and Alice Lilian Haybittle
- Wood Chart 0206 Edward William Wood and Charlotte Ada Chilton
- Wood Chart 0100 Emmett A Wood and Marie Larose
- Wood Chart 0101 Harold Wood and Valerie Daphne Wheaton
- Woodard Chart 0500 George Woodard and Jane Ann Cross
- Woodford Chart 0400 George Frederick Woodford and Lucy Mary Frampton
- Woodford Chart 0300 James Robert Woodford and Emily Sarah Overington
- Woodhams Chart 0200 Charles William Woodhams and Fanny Jessie Tickner
- Woodroffe Chart 0400 Stanley W Woodroffe and Muriel Prangley Ratsey
- Woodrow Chart 0400 Robert Woodrow,
Mary Ann Cox and Harriett Stemp
- Woodrow Chart 0300 Robert Cornelius Woodrow and Sarah Caroline Clowes
- Woodrow Chart 0301 Albert J Woodrow and Ellen ???
- Woodrow Chart 0302 Ernest Edward Woodrow and Elizabeth Wiggins
- Woodrow Chart 0200 George Joseph Woodrow and Vera Annie Jeanes
- Woodrow Chart 0201 George Arthur Woodrow and Mary B Todd
- Woods Chart 0500 Henry (Harry) Woods and Mary Waller
- Woods Chart 0400 Wakefield William Woods and Harriett Wheaton
- Woods Chart 0401 James Woods and Frances
(Fanny) MariaGumbrill
- Woods Chart 0402 Peter Woods, Sarah Luckehurst, James Lassetter and Clara Poat
- Woods Chart 0403 William Callingham Woods and Emily E Miles
- Woods Chart 0404 Alfred George Woods, Emma Balls, John Lawn, Mary Ann Harvey and James Lawn
- Woods Chart 0300 John Woods and Kate Ellen Kettle
- Woods Chart 0301 Albert George Woods, Annie Stedman and Alice Mary Orbell Brewster
- Woods Chart 0302 Frederick James Woods and Edith Jane Louisa Ottley
- Woods Chart 0303 Alfred Thomas Woods and Louisa Jane Stemp
- Woods Chart 0304 James Woods and Annie Hilda Hossent
- Woods Chart 0305 Thomas Woods and Harriet Mabel (Botting) Spooner
- Woods (Callingham-Woods) Chart 0306 William Callingham Woods and Eliza Agnes
- Woods/Whatling Chart 0307 Frederick Woods, Sarah Aldous, Ellen Alice Dicken, Harry Whatling and Ellen Alice Vincent
- Wood(s) Chart 0309 Harry Wood(s) and Alice Hepburn
- Woods Chart 0310 William Woods, Sarah Jane Cure and Rose Elizabeth Cure
- Woods Chart 0200 John William Woods and Doris Lillian Burt
- Woods Chart 0201 Alfred Woods and Olive Spooner
- Woodham Chart 0300 James Woodham and Emma Germain
- Woodhatch Chart 0700 William Woodhatch and Elizabeth Etherton
- Woodhatch Chart 0600 John Woodhatch and Elizabeth
- Woodnutt Chart 0300 Edward Henry Woodnutt, Eliza Amelia Raggett and ???
- Woolgar Chart 0600 James Woolgar and Mary Stemp
- Woolgar Chart 0500 John Woolgar and Harriet Reeves
- Woodland Chart 0500 William Woodland, Sibella Redman Ansell, Jane Elizabeth Rowe and France Sarah Dowthwaite
- Woodland Chart 0400 John Woodland and Julia Evans Smith
- Woodward Chart 0500 George Woodward and Mary Cornelius
- Woodward Chart 0300 Tom Woodward and Alice Mary Guest
- Woodward Chart 0301 Charles T Woodward and Minnie Stemp
- Wooler Chart 0200 James Davie Wooler and Jasmine Mabel Dines
- Woodward/Lelliott Chart 0302 William James Woodward, Ada Ann FIllery, John Frederick Lelliott and Jessie Farndale, John Thomas Pellitt ,Charles Edmund Albert (Brody) Broady, Kate Margaret Johnson and Patrick Cullen
- Woolger/Woolgar Chart 0200 Arthur (Woolgar) Woolger, ???, and Mary Jane
- Woolger Woolgar Chart 0201 William (Woolgar) Woolger and Very Mary Enever
- Woollard Chart 0400 William Samuel Jones Woollard and Emily Goatham
- Woolsgrove Chart 0300 George Thomas Woolsgrove and Louisa Hutchings
- Woolstenholme Chart 0800 Papworth Woolstenholme and Eleanor Harvey
- Woolstenholmes Chart 0600 Thomas Woolstenholmes and Jane Elmer
- Wooten Chart 0300 Raymond Wooten and Ellen (Helen) Onyett
- Worboys Chart 0200 William Benjamin Worboys and Mabel Alice Aldridge
- Wordsworth Chart 0200 William Aldridge Wordsworth and Gladys Martin
- Worgan Chart 0400 Albert Llewellyn Worgan, Enid Margery Gwendoine Parsons and Gertrude Rosina Bushell
- Worgan Chart 0300 Walter Worgan and Mary Jane Knight
- Worker Chart 0100 Charles W Worker and Doris Rose Ovenden
- Worsfold Chart 0500 Arthur Worsfold and Jane Stemp
- Worsfold Chart 0400 Alfred Worsfold, Elizabeth Ede and ???
- Worsfold Chart 0401 (Charles) William Worsfold and Daisy Maud Sewell
- Worsfold Chart 0402 Alfred Victor Worsfold and Marie Collins
- Worsfold Chart 0300 Harold Worsfold and Agnes Weller
- Worsfold Chart 0301 Alfred Worsfold and Emily Ada Day
- Worsfold Chart 0302 John Worsfold and Emma Maria Hutchings
- Worsfold Chart 0303 Thomas
Worsfold, Alice Ellen Barton, Mary Barton and Francis Thomas Adams
- Worsfold Chart 0304 Harry Worsfold and Ada Jane Berry
- Worsfold Chart 0305 George Worsfold and Martha Rosamund Gooding
- Worsfold Chart 0306 Richard Worsfold and Millicent Margaret Berry
- Worsfold Chart 0307 James Worsfold and Hannah Stanbridge
- Worsfold Chart 0201 William Arthur Worsfold and Audrey
D Adams
- Worsfold Chart 0202 Harry Alfred Worsfold and Betty
Marguerite Butler
- Worsfold Chart 0203
Sydney George Worsfold and Doris May Hoyle
- Worsfold Chart 0204 Walter Ernest C Worsfold and Lucy Florence Maud Ethel Hammond
- Worsfold Chart 0205 Douglas St Claire Worsfold and Iris Mary Aggett
- Worsfold Chart 0206
Ronald Worsfold and Freda Joan Price
- Worsfold Chart 0207
Richard George Worsfold, Ethel Louisa Hook, Patrick John Driscoll, Mary
Landymore and Montague Rose
- Worsfold Chart 0208 Alfred Worsfold and Amy Winifred
- Worsfold Chart 0209 Frederick Worsfold and Mary Louisa Brackley
- Worsley Chart 0400 Ernest Worseley and Matilda Phoebe Aubery
- Wortley Chart 0200 John Thomas Wortley and Gladys Hook
- Wotton Chart 0600 George
Wotton, Phoebe Gravener Atkey, John Rootham and Elizabeth Norris
- Wotton Chart 0500 Charles Atkey Wotton and Jane Sarah Longford/Langford
- Wraight Chart 0300 Noah Wraight and Martha Jane Setterfield
- Wratten Chart 0400 William Wratten and Mary (Mercy) Gudgeon
- Wratten/Ovenden
Chart 0300 Alfred Henry Gudgeon Wratten, Elizabeth Frances Pidduck,
James Francis Ovenden and Ada Ann Bushell
- Wren Chart 0300 James Wren and Louisa May Brewer
- Wride Chart 0100 Fred Wride and Annie Crossman
- Wright Chart 0600 William Wright and Mary ???
- Wright Chart 0500 Thomas Wright and Sarah Bell
- Wright Chart 0501 James Wright and Ellen Cross
- Wright Chart 0502 Joshua Wright and Jane ???
- Wright Chart 0400 George Wright and Emma Ann Hide/Hyde
- Wright Chart 0401 Charles H Wright and Jennie Ryder
- Wright Chart 0404 Benjamin William Wright, Eliza Florence Ireland and ???
- Wright Chart 0405 Arthur William Wright and Emily Porter
- Wright Chart 0406 George Wright and Victress Brooks
- Wright Chart 0300 Ernest Henry Wright and Rebecca Goldsmith Hall
- Wright Chart 0301 Frederick (Fred) Wright and Ada Elizabeth Fentiman
- Wright Chart 0302 Sidney Harry Wright and Norah Beatrice Annie Aspland
- Wright Chart 0303 Donald William E Wright and Eunice Mabel Redman
- Wright Chart 0304 Earnest Wright and Margaret Matilda Hughes
- Wright Chart 0305 Harry Joseph Wright and Elizabeth Lillie Bailey
- Wright, Chart 0306 George Wright and Mary Ellen Agg
- Wright/Wilson Chart 0307 Arthur Wright, Eva Alice Barrell and Charles R Wilson
- Wright
Chart 0200 Frederick Charles Wright and Ellen Elizabeth Danton
- Wright Chart 0201 Herbert George Wright and Dorothy Longhurst
- Wright Chart 0202 John William Wright and Violet R Miles
- Wringe Chart 0300 Albert George Wringe and Ada Mary Newman
- Wyatt Chart 0800 Charles Wyatt and Jane Dacombe
- Wyatt Chart 0600 David Wyatt and Emma Richardson
- Wyatt Chart 0500 George Wyatt and ???
- Wyborn Chart 0400 Edward Wyborn and Rebecca Mary Cadman
- Wyborn Chart o300 William Wyborn and Agnes Setterfield
- Wyborn Chart 0200 William Wyborn and Annie Parsons
- Wyburne Chart 0500 David Austin Wyburne and Constance Kate Alice Dring
- Wyke Chart 1500 Nicholas
Wyke and ???
- Wyke Chart 1400 Edward
Wyke and ???
- Wyke Chart 1300 Aquila
Wyke and Dorothy Duncombe
Chart 1200 Aquila Wyke (Wykes, Weeks), Mary
Knightley, Edward (Sir) Broughton and Alice Honeywood
- Wyke Chart 1100 Edward
Wyke and ???
- Wyld Chart 0300 Harry Wyld and Mary Ann Symonds
- Wyld Chart 0301 Albert Wyld and Lilian Charman
- Wyld Chart 0200 Harry George Wyld and Dorothy Florence Brown
- Wyld Chart 0201 William Wyld and Lily Florence Lapper
- Wyld Chart 0202 George Albert Wylde and Margaret Elizabeth Driscoll
- Wyld Chart 0203 Jack Wyld and Dorothy Esther V
- Wylie Chart 0200 James Abner Wylie and
Rachel Harris
- Wynn Chart 0400 Herbert John Wynn and Ada Barnard
The Notes to be found at the foot of most of the Charts are an
important part of the information, they show the address of the family
at different times and also show source of information, thoughts,
doubts and queries about what is on the charts above. I do not always
agree with the information that has been given, but I do show it as
such and then raise queries about it. I again have added information
where it is possible that I have found the incorrect family. If I
myself have any doubt about it you will find this as a query in the
If you have comments, alterations, corrections, amendments etc. please follow the details to be found on the Home Page to contact me.